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Carmen had tried so hard to push the thoughts away, the thoughts of her past lover.
She planned a life with him.
She had a life with him.
And in just some months, she moves on?

Maybe that's the cause of her doubt.
Maybe it was too quick.

But she was sure.
She knew.
She knew how she felt about Harvey.
She wanted Harvey.

But what if- no. Enough.

Carmen sat in the living room, a coffee in her hand. The tv playing some ads, she didn't care any less.

She had so much work to do.
So many things to do.
But her's else where.

"Hey," Harvey came, placing a kiss on her cheek, "you didn't wake me up." He almost pouted.


"The kids leave?"


"Did you have breakfast?"


Harvey laughed lightly, "what do you think about selling your company and becoming Amish?"

"Mm hmm,"

"Carmen," Harvey stood in front of her, a now concerned look on his face, "Carmen?"

"Mm?" She looked at him, still zoned out.



"God," he laughed, he sat beside her, cupping her cheeks, placing his lips on hers, deepening the kiss with every second, "Carmen." He almost moaned.

She deepened the kiss, her hands running through his hair, pulling him closer, "Harvey." She moaned.

"Baby," he smiled into the kiss, "Mm," he pulled away, a frown on her face, "are you listening now?"

"Huh?" She was confused.

"You've been responding with 'mm' to everything I asked," he laughed, getting up to the kitchen.

"I have?" 


"Sorry," she sighed.

"Everything alright?" He came back with a coffee in his hand.

"Yeah," she forced a smile, "well...I will be. I'm okay." She gently placed a hand on his cheek.

"Okay," he smiled, kissing her hand.

"Oh!" She remembered, "we're invited to dinner tonight."

"We are?"

"Yeah, Callie and Arizona are here too, so we're all gonna go get dinner together." She smiled excitedly.

"And they are...?"

"Callie's my best friend, Arizona's her wife."

"Ah," he nodded, "the one who went to London?"

"Yeah," she laughed, "her."

"I can't promise you I'll be there, but I'll try."

"I'd really like you to be there,"

"Me too," he smiled at her, "but this hessington's messy." He rubbed his temple.

"It'll work out," she held his hand, "you'll figure it out. You're Harvey freakin' Specter!"

"You're goddamn right I am," he smiled widely.

"Adorable," she cupped his cheeks, placing a small kiss on his lips.

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