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Harvey was just done having breakfast when he heard a knock his door.
He found Mike on the other side, "Jesus, you look like shit."

"I was up all night, I couldn't sleep." Mike ran his hands through his hair as he stepped inside.

Harvey informed Mike that he didn't need anything on tanner for the time being.

"I'm not here to talk about tanner, or the Ava or the merger. I just," he paused, rubbing his eye, "I wanna know how you do it." He turned to face Harvey.

"How I do what?" Harvey raised an eyebrow.

"Not let people in." He sighed, "I need to know."

Harvey was slightly offended, "you don't know what I do and don't do."

"What I that you seem to be having relationships again and again, and then they don't eat you up or spit you out or seem to affect you at all."

"I have a picture of Dorian gray hanging in my closet," Harvey joked.

"It's not funny." Mike exhaled in frustration.

"I wasn't joking, I was trying to get you to leave so I can have my morning without you judging me."

"Harvey, I'm not judging you!" Mike clarified, "I'm uh I just need to know what your mindset is."

"My mind set is...I don't talk about it. I don't wanna talk about it. I keep my personal here," he gestured, "my business over there."

"I'm happy that's working for you," Mike sighed, "but it doesn't seem to be working for me."

Harvey closed the door to the balcony, "I wasn't giving you advice." He grabbed his suit jacket, "I was answering your question. You want advice, call dr. Phil."

"Harvey, I'm not trying to attack you here, okay? I'm struggling with something and I'm just trying to get your take on it."

"And I'm not trying to be defensive." He put his suit jacket on, "I'm just telling you, I don't know everything about everything." Harvey sighed as he saw the look on Mike's face, "look Mike, you wanna know how to be a lawyer, I'm your man. You wanna know how to deal with love? That's not my area." He shook his head.

Harvey told Mike to stay, have coffee and breakfast, as he excused himself to leave for the deposition.

Mike stood in the apartment, hopeless, he didn't know where to go, who to ask. He needed advice, and Harvey seemed to be useless.
He heard some shuffling from the bedroom, he froze, you can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
"Ms Robyn?" He shouted to get her attention, he realised he had an opportunity. A woman's advice. Perfect.

"Yeah?" She peaked her head out the bedroom.

"Um do you think maybe," he said nervously, "I could get your advice on something?"

She smiled, "yeah, just give me a minute." He heard more shuffling, "Harvey left?"

"Uh yeah, a few minutes ago." Mike sat on the sofa after he grabbed a bowl of cereal.


"Are you two fighting?"

"What?" She grabbed some coffee, "did he say that?"

"No, no. I'm just...asking..." he shrugged.
Carmen looked at him suspiciously, what does he know? Things seemed to be okay(ish) with Harvey ever since her friends left for Seattle.
Maybe not?

"Okay..." she laughed softly, "so what's up?" She sat opposite of him.

"It's Rachel," he looked troubled, "she might go to Stanford."

Perfect || Harvey SpecterWhere stories live. Discover now