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The two went to work, doing their best to focus, but all they could think about was tonight.
Their first date.
It might seem so stupid and insignificant, considering they've been together for a little while, spending nearly every night together. Regardless, they were both nervous, and it was so obvious to those around them.

Donna found it priceless, she never expected Harvey Specter to act this way before a first date.

Liah didn't miss a chance to poke fun at Carmen either. Especially when she handed Carmen her Yves Saint Laurent delivery, "this is definitely not a dress...so-"

"Not another word, Liah." Carmen shook her head, "spare me." Liah motioned to 'seal her mouth', earning a light laugh from Carmen.

Mike was waiting for Harvey in his office, looking at his record collection.

"Don't touch a thing." Harvey said as he entered.

"I know," Mike scoffed, "whoa." He said as he faced Harvey, "you look like crap..."

"What?" Harvey's eyes shot open, he has a date in a few hours, and he looks like shit?!

"Um," Mike struggled to find the words, "I just mean um...you look like you're off your game."

"Shit." He sighed, "I am off my game."

"What's wrong?" Mike plastered a worried look on his face.

"I have a..." Harvey considered whether to tell him, Donna was giving him enough shit, "I have a date tonight."


"It's Carmen and I's first date." He clarified.

"Carmen? Like Carmen Robyn?"


"Holy shit!" Mike laughed, "you're dating Carmen?!"

"Are you blind?"

"Wait, how long has this been going on?"

"Kinda since I met her, but officially a little over a month."

"I mean I noticed you two flirting, but...what?!" Mike was stunned, "oh my god! That's why she's Jessica's client now."

Harvey laughed, rolling his eyes, "you really didn't know?"

"Not a clue," Mike laughed, "so why are you so nervous?"

"Cause," he shrugged, "I don't wanna mess it up."

"Harvey...you're not gonna mess it up, it's gonna be like any other time you're with her."

"This feels real." He paused, "this makes it real."

"Are you asking for my advice?" Mike put his hand on his heart, "I'm touched."

"Forget it." He scoffed, "I'll be fine."

"Look, don't put too much pressure on this, just go spend time with her," Mike smiled, "and, I'm sure she's just as nervous as you. Tonight will go well, you'll come in tomorrow, happy as ever. Don't worry. And you said it yourself you two were official a little while ago, so it was real from then. This doesn't change anything, and if it were to," he paused, "it'd be for the better."

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