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Harvey somehow found himself in bed, he had no recollection of anything after Carmen stormed off. He couldn't get any words out. He had done exactly what she said.
Purposefully or not, Carmen didn't deserve that.
She was right.

He hated himself, this isn't the type of man he is.
He just got so occupied with work, he was so busy fighting Hardman, he hadn't thought about Carmen.

That was a lie.

He thought of her.

Too many times.

All the time.

Harvey kept pushing the thoughts away, although his arrogant self wouldn't admit it, he was afraid.

Afraid to get hurt.

Afraid to be betrayed.

To be broken.

To lose Carmen.

To fall in love.

Harvey ended up hurting Carmen.

He never thought she'd be so hurt.

The look on her face, the tears streaming down, her cry of pain...he hated himself.

This is not the man he wanted to be.

He didn't wanna lose her.

He was so stupid, letting her go.

Not contacting her after that night, leaving her like that in the morning.
Completely stupid.

He had to make it right.
He had to explain.
He had to tell her the truth.

Harvey rushed into her building, aiming for her office.
He was stopped abruptly by her secretary, Liah.
"Mr. Specter, you're not allowed inside. You have no reason to be here."

"I do, I need to see Carmen."

Liah stood in front of him, "Carmen's not here-"

"Bullshit, like she'd miss a day of work." He pushed past Liah.

Liah sighed, "she's not here." She repeated.

Harvey left her office, looking at Liah, "where is she? I went to her place, she's not there."

"She's not here-"

"Please," his voice trembled, "please."

"If you would let me finish!" She was annoyed, "Carmen is in London. And I'm sure she told you that the point of contact is Richard, so please don't come here anymore." Liah showed Harvey out.

"London?" He asked Liah before he left. Did he really hurt her that bad, that she had to run to London?

"Don't flatter yourself, Mr Specter, this trip was scheduled long before you two even met." She scoffed, walking away.

He didn't understand, she never mentioned London. She can't just leave.
When was she gonna come back?
He frantically called her, again and again.
'Pick up.
Pick up.
Pick. Up.'

He threw his phone in frustration, "shit."

He sat on his chair, rubbing his temple, he had to get his work done...focus. Focus.

"Harvey," Donna came in, a bit too cheerful for his liking.

"What?" He looked at her, anger in his eyes, "what Donna?! What?!"

"Whoa..." she raised an eyebrow, "who the hell do you think you're talking to?!"

"Donna-" he shook his head.

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