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Harvey rolled over in bed, expecting to find Carmen beside him. To his disappointment, she wasn't.

Carmen had gotten up a little earlier, before Harvey's alarm goes off. She wanted to make breakfast before his big day.

She hummed along with the song, cooking the eggs perfectly, just how he likes them.

"Hey," he leaned on the door frame of Carmen's bedroom.

She turned to face him, smiling, "hi."

"Breakfast?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow, "I thought-"

"I'm not a breakfast person? Well I'm not." She laughed, "but I happen to be dating one, so." She shrugged.

He grinned, making his way to her, "speaking of dating...we haven't gone on a first date yet." He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We haven't," she nodded, "is that your way of asking me?" She kissed him on the cheek before turning to plate his breakfast.

"No," he kissed her neck, "this is." He kissed her again, going higher each time, "Carmen, will you go on a date with me?" He said into her ear.

"God." She held onto the kitchen counter. He smirked at her reaction, pleased that he was the one making her feel that way. "Yes Harvey, I'll go on a date with you." She turned to face him, getting closer to his lips, teasing him, before pulling away from his grip, "eat up, you have a big day."

"Wait, wait," he pulled her back, his hand on her waist, "you haven't kissed me yet."

"Hmm." She shrugged.

"Carmen..." he looked at her lips, "why won't you kiss me?"

"You just woke up."

"One, I brushed my teeth," he laughed, "two, that hasn't stopped you before."

"That's true," she laughed, "then?"


"I'll kiss you tonight." She got out of his grip, smirking.

"Carmen," he groaned.

"You're so whiny." She laughed, "tonight." She winked at him.

Harvey had paid tanner a visit who confirmed his and Mike's theory. That asshole, Hardman, fabricated the memo, he planted it there and worked with Tanner.

He held that much of a grudge.
And Tanner didn't seem to mind, he just wanted to get Harvey with anything.

Unfortunately, Louis figured out Harvey was high the night before, and confronted Harvey. Throwing a drug test his way, which Harvey refused.
He couldn't believe it, except he could.
The man he worked along side with for years, was trying to get him fired.
And somehow it didn't seem so far fetched.

Disappointed, but sure as hell not surprised.

Harvey sent Mike to see the man who worked at CM, to try and get a confession or his signature to prove that Hardman set this up. That he knew about it all along and Hardman made him keep quiet.

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