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Shockingly enough, the kitchen was as clean as Carmen left it.
And although she refused to admit it, as to not worsen his ego, those were the best pancakes in New York.

"You know when I said, you might be cuter than Jack?" Carmen started.

"Mhm," Harvey wiped his mouth.

She looked at Jack, who was now impersonating Ryder from Paw Patrol, "I was wrong."

"That's very sweet of you." Harvey laughed.

"You needed to be humbled," she shrugged.

"Thank you." He smiled, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're the luckiest man." She smiled.

"Not as lucky as you," he placed a kiss on her lips, "you won the lottery with me."

"And I thank god every day." They smiled at each other.

"Do you want me to take care of them while you get some sleep?"

"No, it's okay, thanks." She got up, kissing him on the cheek, "coffees gonna kick in any minute now." She hoped.

"Okay," he smiled, "but if you need help, I'm here."

"I know," she looked at him smiling, "thank you, baby."

Thankfully, the kids weren't too fussy, they could be loud at times when they were playing, but all kids are. They've played, they've danced, they've sung...what else is there?
She seemed to have finished all the activities, and it's not even 12 yet.
She could feel the coffee leave her body, she needed more.

Jack came up to Carmen, tugging at her shirt, he ushered for her to kneel down to his level, "could we eat chocolate?" He whispered.

"Hmm," she hid a smile, "I'll think about it."

"Pleasssseeeeee!!!" The two pleaded.

They tugged at her heart strings, she couldn't say no, "okay," they started celebrating, "but!" They stopped and faced her, "we have lunch first then chocolate. Deal?"

"Deal!" They both said, smiling giddily.

The two held Carmen's hand, as they walked into the elevator.

"Is this where you work?" Sophia asked, "it looks better than the hospital."

Carmen laughed lightly, "I'm sure it does, but no this is where Harvey works."

"We're gonna see uncle Harvey?" They got excited.

"You two met him this morning, why are you so excited?" Carmen laughed.

"Becauh," Jack started, "mummy told us about him!"

The elevator doors opened, "umm what exactly did she say?"

"You two play with each other ALLLLLL the time!" Jack said, smiling.

"Oh god." Carmen's face turned red, "that's um-"

Sophia giggled, looking at Jack, "she also said you love him."


The two laughed, singing in unison, "Carmen and Harvey sitting in a tree-"

"Okay, okay." She looked around awkwardly trying to shush the two, "can we not?"

"5 bucks." Jack said.


"5 bucks and we'll stop."

"You're not serious-" Carmen laughed.

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