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Pearson Hardman was now Pearson Darby, and although it was a relief to no longer be associated with the name Hardman...the merger came with its own headaches.

Harvey was still pissed at Jessica for making this decision without him, and not including him in any conversation that may have happened.
The firm may be hers, but to Harvey and Louis, it belonged to them too.
More specifically, Harvey was offended that she'd put a stranger's name on the door instead of him. He didn't understand why she would.
To him it was a mistake and a betrayal.
And he was going to make sure she knew it was.

Jessica signed for 49% of the firm, as Darby had the advantage of his firms current standing - Jessica's firm was the one who needed him.

As a sign of new beginnings, and in hopes of gaining Harvey's trust, Darby gave him a case close to him - the Ava Hessington case.

Before accepting it, Harvey thought about it, whether he should take the case or not.
That's when he had his great idea, and made a deal with Darby. He wins this case, Darby does something for him.

He knew he'd win.

So it was a sure thing for him.

Harvey was conflicted whether he should go through with it or not, but once things seemed to be set in stone and were bound to happen; it was too late to change his mind.

Cameron Dennis accepted the admission of guilt and said he'd let the case go. Harvey was happy to celebrate.
He went over to Carmen's, with a bottle of champagne.

Carmen had given him earlier the keys to her apartment so he can come and go as he pleases. Mostly so she doesn't have to get up when she's comfortable.

Carmen heard Harvey coming in, but was currently occupied, "I'm in here!" She shouted from her office.

Harvey smiled at the sound of her voice, excited to see his girlfriend. He grabbed two glasses, and knocked on her office door.
"Hey," he smirked.

"Hey," she smiled at the sight of him, he had his shirt unbuttoned, and no jacket, "champagne?"

"We're celebrating tonight,"

"I heard," she got up, standing in front of him, "but admission of guilt is hardly a win." She teased.

"Better that, than worse." He pulled her to him by her hips.

"Good thing you're not my lawyer," she joked.

"Shit." He rubbed his temple, "I didn't think about that."

"About what?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I made a deal-" the two were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. They looked at each other wondering if the other was expecting anyone. Neither were.

Carmen got out of Harvey's grip, and went to open the door, "who is it?!" She shouted.

No answer.
They rang again.

"I'm coming!" Carmen shouted, she opened the door, she gasped as soon as she saw the person in front of her.

"Hi!!" The woman squealed.

"Lexi?!" Carmen yelled in excitement, "oh my god!" She hugged her, "oh my god."

"Surprise!" Lexi laughed, "I missed you!!!!"

"I missed you more," Carmen pouted, "what are you doing here? Come in."

"I came to surprise you! Duh." She made her way in, stopping in her tracks when she saw Harvey, "uh hi."

"Hey," he gave a small wave, looking to Carmen, with a confused look on his face.

"Oh!" Carmen laughed, "Um Lexi this is Harvey, my boyfriend." Harvey went to welcome Lexi, "Harvey, this is my sister, Lexi!"

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