Pretty Boy

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Carmen was twisting and turning in her bed, restless throughout the night.
She could not sleep.
She groaned in frustration, she's tired, she knows she is, and had no coffee what the hell is the problem?! Just sleep. Close your eyes, and drift off.
Damn it.
That stupid, stupid, stupid face.
Get out of my head.

"AAAAGGGHHH" she screamed into her pillow, "I hate you!"

She apparently couldn't not get Mr. Specter out of her head...everytime she closed her eyes...there he was with that infectious smile. Don't you just wanna punch him?

She got out of bed, defeated, dragging herself to the kitchen to brew some coffee.
Today is not gonna be a good day, and a long one at that.

Her eyes were burning, red with strain. Barely keeping her eyes open, constantly yawning. The sound of her heels echoed through the tall building, Robyn Enterprises.

She stepped into her office, throwing her bag in the chair, rummaging through it to find pain killers. Her head was pounding.
Make it stop. Please.

"Carmen?" Liah spoke, "are you okay?" She approached Carmen cautiously.

"Fine." She said through a yawn.

"Okay so you need like 50 coffees?"

"Exactly." She sighed as she sat down, swallowing the pill, gulping down some water.

"Breakfast?" Liah asked.

"It's alright, I'll have lunch later, I don't feel like eating."



"Nothing it's look like shit." Carmen looked at Liah in shock...did she just?

"I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to get out of my face," Carmen held a laugh.

"Ooo, scary" Liah retorted, laughing.

An anxious Carmen sat, fidgeting with her hair, 'do i really look that bad? What if he shows up? That's crazy, why would he show up? There's no reason for him to show up. Stop it. God. Pathetic.'

Her inner thoughts clouded her mind, all she could think about was Mr Specter. She wanted to look into his brown eyes and challenge him, see him smile at her. Specter is a very obviously attractive man, no doubt about it, and clearly a ladies man. No woman in her right mind, wouldn't want his attention. He exuded sexiness, in an unbelievable way. Clean shaved face, his jaw framing his face just right. Hair neat, too gelled for her liking but she can get over it. The way he walked, a confident man. As he should be. With a face, body and brain like that? He had every right to be cocky.

She was aware of her feelings, somewhat anyway. She convinced herself it was merely attraction. She simply wanted him in a sexual way. Nothing more.

The way he tenses up around her, and his million dollar smirk...he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

But she wasn't gonna let him win.
Not gonna give him the satisfaction.

As she was headed home, a man met her by the apartment lobby.

"Ms Robyn," he stopped her.

"Yes?" She turned to face him, studying him.

"You've been served." He handed her an envelope. She took it out of his hand, calling her driver.

"Unbelievable," she said to herself as she walked out of the lobby and into her car. Another lawsuit. They just don't give up.

"What the hell is this?!" Carmen stormed into Specter's office.

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