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"Jealous?!" Carmen practically screamed.

An amused look grew on Harvey's face, "unbelievable."

"I am NOT jealous." She scoffed, "I am Carmen freaking Robyn, I don't get jealous."

"Uh huh," he sat back, a smile across his face, "you definitely don't. You're right."

"You're crazy, delusional

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"You're crazy, delusional." She started getting the food out of the bag, "and I'm starving so, let's just eat."

"Carmen," he held her hand, "I don't like Scottie, I like you, I want you."

"I know," she kissed his hand, "let's eat."

"Okay," he laughed lightly, "whatever you want, baby." She finally smiled at him, rolling her eyes.

After her morning shower, she found herself staring at her reflection, studying her body.
Picking out her imperfections.
Pulling a face with each one, she sighed.
She heard Harvey coming in, she quickly grabbed a bathrobe and covered up.

"Morning," he kissed her cheek, "you didn't wait for me, to shower?" He pouted, hugging her from behind.

"Morning," she tried to play off her discomfort with his hands around her, "I just have an early morning." She shrugged.

She tried to pull away, "Carms," he pulled her back, "what's going on?" He placed soft kisses on her neck.

"Harvey," she pulled away, "nothings going on," she cupped his face, placing a kiss, "I have to go to work."

"You'd tell me if somethings wrong?"

"Yes," she said before leaving him in the bathroom.

Harvey knew something was bothering Carmen, and he was sure it had to do with Scottie. They need a moment or two to process.

Throughout his day, Harvey would sit and think about Carmen. She says she isn't jealous...but she sure as hell seems like it.
She advocated for the two of them to work together, so she doesn't have a problem with Scottie, not personally.
Is it because, he'd be spending more time with Scottie than with her?

He couldn't keep guessing, he needed help so, he called Donna.

"Okay, well has she said anything? Or done anything that might tell you what's wrong?" Donna asked, sitting across from Harvey.

"I don't know," he rubbed his temple, "it has to do with Scottie, it's all I can figure out."

"First of all, stop calling her Scottie," she laughed.

"You think that's why?"

"No, but it sure as hell isn't helping."

"Shit, okay." He sighed, "oh, she's been covering up from me...last night and this morning. She looks uncomfortable? With my touch. I don't know."

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