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The two laid in their bed, a smile plastered over their faces as they drifted to sleep. Neither of them expected the night to end like this. Electricity running through their veins, they couldn't wait to do it again. They couldn't wait to see the other. Last night ended the way it should've.

A few days had gone by without seeing each other, however just yesterday it was asked of Harvey to file a patent for Robyn Enterprises' new product. So she was expecting him.
To say she was excited, is an understatement. She was giddy, butterflies in her stomach. Was he gonna make some witty comment, with his usual smirk? Or was he gonna be sweet and charming?
Possibly cold?
She wondered.

She sat in her office, barely getting any work done, she was too concerned about her situation with Harvey.

A gentle knock caught her attention, she looked up to see Harvey, she smiled.
"Good afternoon," he smiled, "aren't you glad to see me?" He smirked.
A witty comment with a smirk. Of course.

"You're saying you're not?"


"Glad to see me." She inquired, approaching him.

"Why do you think I'm here and not Mike?" He slowly placed a soft kiss on her cheek, like it was a normal thing to do, like they'd done it a million times. He waved the file in front of her, "it's done."

"Took you long enough," she shook her head, "you're losing your touch. Any reason?" She took the file, sitting back in her chair.

"Yeah," he started, "there's this girl, driving me crazy." He sighed, jokingly.

"Oh?" She placed her head on her hand, "there's a girl?"

"Yeah, very beautiful." He smirked, unbuttoning his suit jacket, sitting across from her.

"Mhm," she smiled, blushing.

"Especially when she blushes."
Goddamn him, he made her heart flutter.

"I hate you," she rolled her eyes, leaning back into her chair.

"Sure you do, that's why I'm 'Harvey' now." He retorted.

"That's out of hate." She stated.

"Mhm," he smirked, "speaking of'll never believe who I ran into yesterday."

"Who?" She leaned in closer.

"Daniel. Hardman."

"You're kidding," she fake gagged.

"His wife passed," he crossed his legs.


"Yeah, not exactly a funny story, I know." He rubbed his temple, "anyway, Jessica and I went to the funeral, gave our condolences."

She laughed, "you wanna make sure he doesn't come back."

"Basically yeah," he laughed lightly.


"He says he won't," he shrugged.

"You buy it?"

"Not one bit."

"Well, Mr Specter, what are you gonna do about it?" She teased.

"I'm working on it, I'll let you know." He smiled, "and we're back to that?"

She giggled, "only when it's right." He shook his head, smiling at her.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked nervous, unsure if he should even ask, if he's allowed to ask.

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