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Twice in one year.

Twice in one year, Carmen felt heart break.

What are the odds of that?

The odds point to her, was she the problem?

Her relationship with Harvey ended before it even started.

At least, she hasn't fallen too deeply yet.

Carmen avoided true loss.

Yes, this was for the best.

She's better off this way.

Before things got serious.

Dating Harvey would make her too anxious, she concluded.

She didn't need more anxiety.

This was for the best.

"Another one, please." Carmen signalled to the bartender.

"Make that two," a familiar voice spoke from next to her.

Carmen looked up, she smiled, "Cal!"

"Carm!" Callie pulled Carmen into a hug, "I can't believe I'm really hugging you!!"

"Me too!" Tears welled up in Carmen's eyes, "I missed you so much!" Hugging her tighter.

"I missed you too," she pulled away, wiping the tears off her face.

"Wait- what are you doing here?" Realisation hit Carmen. Callie came to London? Why? When?

"I came for you!" She sat beside her.

"You didn't have to, I'm okay!"

"Good. Cause I came to sight see."

"Uh huh," she laughed, "thanks."

"Of course, you'd do the same for me." Callie nudged Carmen.

"You might be doing it a lot more for me, considering my track record." They laughed.

"I have a feeling this'll be the last time."

"Well, I don't really trust your instincts right now, so-"

"I'm hurt. That's hurtful." She pouted.

"To us." Carmen raised her glass.

"To us." Callie smiled, clinking her glass.

Carmen was too in touch with her senses to get drunk in public, she was a little tipsy before they decided to finish their night in her apartment.
Another bottle or so...

"You're not serious, Carm...." Callie laughed, "tell me again from the top."

"I repeated it five times already, Cal, I'm tired..." she laid her head down on Callie's lap, "I can't keep repeating it."

"Last time, I'm trying really hard to concentrate." Callie pulled a serious face, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"Fine. I went to get a little drunk...and surprise surprise, Harvey was there. With another woman!" She grew angry, "that son of a bitch was on a date with another woman! Not even a week after he slept with me!!! He might've went on a date with someone else too! It was nearly a week! A week!!!! He didn't call. He didn't text. Nothing, Callie!!! Nothing!"

"Do you think maybe..."


"That he wasn't on a date with her...?" She said cautiously.

"He was laughing with her, with that smug look on his face." Carmen scoffed, "he looked at her, the way he looked at me, hurt. I thought-" a tear rolled down, "I thought was just me."


"It doesn't matter," she pushed herself up, "it's okay. I'm okay." She stood up, wiping her tears away, "I'm okay." She repeated.

"You're not okay, Carm." Callie pulled Carmen back to sit, "you don't have to always be okay."

"I know," she fidgeted, "but I can't be this hurt about Harvey."

"Why not? You like him," she smiled sadly, "you're gonna have to give yourself time to move on."

"I'm so tired of moving on, of getting better, just to get hurt again. I'm tired." 

"I know," she pulled her into a hug, "but Carmen?"


"You won't get upset if I tell you this?"

Carmen paused, thinking for a bit, "I won't."

"I think Harvey truly likes you, he's an idiot and he messed up. But he likes you." She said softly, caressing Carmen's hair.

Carmen sighed, "I know."

Callie held her tighter, reassuring her again and again. She did her best to comfort Carmen. There was only so much she can do. But her being there, holding her and telling her it's gonna be okay, meant everything to Carmen.

Carmen never expected Callie to come.
She thought she'd have to deal with this alone.
She planned to deal with it alone.

She had felt pathetic on how much she was hurt, she didn't understand how Harvey could have affected her that much, that quick.

It hasn't been long since their first meeting, their first conversation.
It felt surreal.
How did things get to this?

Carmen only wanted to sleep with him, she was attracted to him, but as they spent more time together, she just wanted to be around him. She wanted to be with him.
How can things go from this to that?

The more she got to know Harvey, the more she fell for him.
As short as it was, she was happy.
She was thankful for the time she had with him.

Carmen wasn't ready to let him go.

But she had to.

Carmen knew that he was afraid of falling for her, in fear of losing her. In fear of getting hurt.
She knew.

That's just how he was.

He would struggle to text, to call, to confess his true feelings.
She knew.

But why did she have to put up with that?
She couldn't wait for him.

Waiting for Harvey to say the right thing, to do the right thing, would take too long.
Would hurt too much.
And she didn't have the patience for that.

Carmen knew he wouldn't hurt her purposefully, he would never intend to do so.

All he wanted was a chance.

Carmen was not ready to give it to him.

A week had passed since Carmen left, Harvey continued to call in hopes she'll one day pick up.
He would visit her apartment, in case she came back.
He didn't know what to do.
He just wanted another chance, another shot to prove to her how much he wants her.

To tell her how he feels about her.
To hold her.
To kiss her.
To be with her.

He was gonna do it right this time.
He was determined.
As soon as he sees her, he'll tell her everything.
He'll prove to her, he's worthy of her love.
He'll be the man she deserves.

'But I can't wait for him.
Because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought!  
Useless. And disappointing.'

I so badly wanted to write that:( so I still had to share it.

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