So Good

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Harvey stared back at his reflection, tracing where Carmen's lips once were. He was going insane, or so he believed.
It was a kiss on the cheek...but it felt so much more intimate. More meaningful than anything he's ever experienced. It felt so good. So right.
He wanted to see her, he wanted last night to happen again. He found himself craving her presence, he just wanted her.

He wasn't sure what to do, she's obviously interested in him, but refuses to call him Harvey.
She was messing with him.
He knew that.
Two can play it that game, he thought.

Carmen barely dragged herself out of bed, she finally slept. It felt good but god did she want more. Sadly she had to leave the comfort of her bed.
She headed to the bathroom to shower, as the water hit her, she started to wake up. Memories came flooding in.
'Harvey Specter...perfect.
Oh god.
I called him perfect.
To his face.'

She was always so strong and not easily wooed, how could she tell him that? He's gonna hold it against her. She was sure of it.
He didn't comment on it yesterday, he smiled. That's weird.
Damn him.
He was perfect. And she hated it.
She couldn't have him.
Nor would he want her. Not possible.

Carmen stopped at Donna's desk, greeting her, "good morning, Donna."

"Carmen," Donna smiled, "good morning to you too, long night?"

"Hmm?" She laughed, "not long enough."

"I see," she smiled, "head in."
She opened the door for Carmen.

"Thank you," Carmen said to Donna, "good morning Specter." She greeted him.

"Morning." He didn't look up from his computer.

How odd, she thought. No staring contest?

"How are you? I'm good, how are you Carmen? Oh I'm good thanks for asking." She repeated his words to him.

"Really?" He looked up at her, dumbfounded, "you ready?"

"Are you okay?" She approached him.

"Yeah, why?" He raised an eyebrow, inching closer to her.

"You're not making some stupid joke, somethings wrong."

"You're saying I'm no longer...perfect?" He smirked.

"I walked right into that one didn't I?" She laughed.

"Yep," he laughed, "can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she sat on his chair, spinning.

"Why is it that you won't call me Harvey?" He stopped the chair.

"What?" She held a straight face.

"You call me Specter or better yet Mr Specter." He seemed disappointed.

"You really want me to call you by your first name?"

"I wanna know why you won't." His face closer to hers.

"If I call you by your first name, it becomes personal. And I can't do business and personal."

"You cant or you don't want to?" He studied her reaction.

"What's the difference?" She could smell his cologne, hypnotic.

"Calling me Harvey won't make it personal."

"Yes it would."

"No it wouldn't."

"Mr Specter, I'm not gonna call you that."

He scoffed, leaning away from her, "fine, Ms Robyn."

"Fine." She forced a smile.

"Let's go, your depositions gonna start." He opened the door for her.

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