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The gentle jazz music played in the restaurant, not one empty table. It was a famous spot in New York, its luxurious interior, its well crafted cuisines - and more importantly it was owned by a famous Italian chef. 

Carmen has been here before, she knew how hard it was to get a table weeks before the wanted date. So to see Specter acquiring a table just by walking in? Lucky she thought. What are the chances there was a table free tonight of all days?

They sat facing each other, admiring the view. Their table was perfectly situated.

They talked and talked, covering too many topics in the span of 40 mins, their food had finally come. They didn't even realise it was late. And frankly, they didn't care.

"So..." Specter thought for a second before speaking again, "you're English?"

"I was wondering when you'd bring that up," she smiled tilting her head slightly, "I'm not English, but I lived there for 14 years- I moved there when I was 10."

"Oh? So where are you from then?"

"Mmm, I'm not telling you." She grinned. He smiled at the way she'd enunciate her t's, her accent would creep up here and there, in certain words.

"We're back to our game of wits?"

"It feels right," she shrugged, "plus, your reactions are priceless. I enjoy teasing you."

"My reactions? Are you not so aware of yourself?" He smirked, "practically shouting you want me."

"I wouldn't shout that."

"You'd scream it then?" She laughed. "You didn't deny that you want me." He stated, a mischievous smile on his face.

"I didn't." She swirled her wine before taking a sip. She saw his jaw clench, he wanted her. This is too easy, she thought. She looked around observing the different people, those awkwardly trying to get through the date hoping to escape at any second, those on a business date, and those madly in love. Which did she fall under?

The great Harvey Specter sat in front of her, and all she could wonder was, is this a date? An attempt at getting in her pants? Or just a causal dinner?
Her inner thoughts kept racing in her head while talking to him, what would he be a boyfriend? Is Specter even capable of such? She laughed it off, would he be satisfied with only one woman? The man in front of her right now seems so right. He was her type, handsome, tall, kind, intelligent, witty, charming...and all rounded man. A previous thought invaded her thoughts again, would he be satisfied with one woman? Would he stay...loyal? She studied him, his demeanour...she laughed slightly unknowingly. Definitely loyal.

"What?" Specter shoved a bite in his mouth, tilting his head in amusement. He sure as hell didn't say anything funny.

"Nothing." She blushed realising it wasn't an internal laughter.

"Spit it out."

"Fine, I was just're a loyal man."

"That's random," he smiled, "in the sense?"

"I mean in relationships, you maybe a ladies man but when you're with someone, like committed to someone, you're loyal."

"Of course," he looked slightly offended.

"But whether you'd actually commit to a person or not?" She playfully said, hoping to humour him.

"Mm," he shrugged with a smile, "how'd you come to that conclusion?" He sipped his wine.

"I just...can tell." She smiled.

"You can tell?" He laughed.

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes, "I can read people."

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