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Harvey went to work, still a little stunned at Carmen's sudden change. What 'can't' she do? What was she even talking about? Ever since the night before, she was acting weird...he didn't understand.

He had to focus, Ava was facing serious charges now, he can't afford not to focus.
Harvey and Mike started prepping for trial, the case was moving fast, to their dismay. Cameron Dennis seems to have all he needed for this trial, or so he keeps saying.
He acted ready.

Harvey knew he was full of shit, but couldn't help but feel nervous.
He looked at the time, "dammit."

"What?" Mike looked at him.

"I gotta go," Harvey grabbed his suit jacket, "look, just do what you can, find whatever you can and um...I'll see you tomorrow, okay? If there's anything, call."
Mike nodded, as Harvey left to meet with Carmen and the others.

Carmen sat beside Callie, facing the rest, smiling so widely. She hasn't sat and talked with them in so long, it truly felt right. She hadn't realised how much she missed them, how much she missed this.

"Is Harvey not coming?" Callie whispered to Carmen.

"Um," Carmen checked her phone, her texts were still unanswered, "I don't know. He said he might not be able to...he's busy." She forced a smile.

"Agh," Callie sighed, "I wanted to meet him!"

"You will," Carmen laughed.

A man came from behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "hey."

She turned back, only to see Harvey, a smile formed on her face, "hi."
Harvey sat beside her, kissing her on the cheek, "sorry, I was-"

"It's ok," she patted his thighs, "I know."

He smiled at her, everything that was running through his head, faded away, he relaxed.

"Harvey, this is Callie," she introduced them, "and Arizona, and you met mark and Lexi."
They all got to know each other, and conversations started again. And eventually, it lead to memory lane...

Arizona laughed, "no, no, and then when Derek punched Mark!" They all laughed for a moment, when realisation hit them, they fell silent.

Carmen looked at them, an eyebrow raised, "what?" They looked at her, "oh my god! Guys it's ok!" She laughed, "you can talk about Derek." Callie gave her a look, Harvey noticed, "seriously guys...continue." She shook her head.


"Okay, fine." Carmen laughed, "remember when Derek took the wrong batch of brownies to work?"

"OH MY GOD!" Callie screamed, "THAT WAS YOU!"
They all laughed.

"I didn't do it on purpose," she laughed, "I made two batches, he took the wrong ones...I realised when I felt nothing...." She shrugged.

"Holy shit," Harvey laughed, "you gave a bunch of doctors pot brownies??"

"They didn't save me any!" Mark was still mad.

"My god, somebody get him high." Lexi rolled her eyes, "he hasn't stopped talking about it."

Carmen looked at Harvey, "we could definitely do that."

"I'm not advocating this." Harvey laughed.

"HA remember when Derek proposed and lexi was pregnant so she puked on him?!" Arizona laughed.

"God, don't remind me!!" Lexi buried her head in her hands.

"Didn't Carmen puke too?" Mark laughed.

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