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Carmen knew, after the way Harvey looked at her, the way he kissed her and the way he touched her, that no matter who walked by...he'd only be looking at her.

She was perfect in his eyes.

Any imperfections she thought, better yet, believed she had...were only real in her eyes.

He had asked her, what she felt insecure about.
Her thighs.
The thighs that wrapped around him, the thighs that he kissed and left too many hickeys on. The thighs he admired as soon as he saw her.
Her waist.
The waist he always held, the waist he held to pull her to him, the waist that fit so perfectly in his embrace.
Her smile.
The smile that could change his entire mood, the smile that put him at ease, the smile that gave him comfort. Her beautiful, infectious smile.

She was perfect in his eyes.

And that's what she was.


She always believed and felt that she was beautiful, but sometimes you need a little reminder. Being insecure and feeling less than you should, is normal, and understandable. But it shouldn't be a feeling that you dwell on. We're all perfect in our own little way, and if one person doesn't see that, someone else will.
And most importantly, you should be able to see that. Looking into a mirror, looking at yourself, and thinking anything other than perfect, is outrageous. We can feel low at times, but we deserve to love ourselves and our bodies. These bodies keep us alive, keep us going, just cause there might be a little 'imperfection', doesn't mean we're any less perfect.

She was sat atop of him, looking down at him, a smile as wide as ever on her face. When realisation hit her earlier, of what she needed to feel better, she realised something else too.
A part of her wishes she hadn't.
She felt it was too soon.

They've only been together near 3 months.

It's ridiculous.

Feeling this way, so soon.

Maybe she doesn't.
It's just in her head.
It's not true.
Not possible.
Not yet.

"What are you thinking about?" He caressed her arm.

"You," she gave him a kiss, "us."

"What about us?" He smiled.

"I don't know," she looked up exhaling, "sometimes, I feel like we've been together for years. It's only been a few months." She laughed lightly, "how did I get so lucky with you?"

"Well in a few years, you'll be sitting on top of me," he pushed himself up, "and you'll be telling me the same exact thing." He smiled, kissing her.

"In a few years, maybe your cockiness will tune down a little."

"That's not cockiness." He smirked.

"Arrogance then?"


"Ego? Being full of yourself? All the above?"

"Okay," he laughed, rolling her over, to be on top, "it's called being confident and sure in our future."
He secured her hands above her head.

She smiled, "that's even sexier than your cockiness."

"You think I'm sexy?" He raised an eyebrow, playfully.

Perfect || Harvey SpecterWhere stories live. Discover now