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Carmen stood facing him, their eyes locked.
"...I will always, always love you, Derek."

His eyes smiled, he looked down at her lips, "me too."
He closed the gap between them, he pushed his lips against hers.

12 hours earlier
It all felt unreal. It felt like a dream.
She's somehow, suddenly here.
She found herself standing outside of Seattle Grace Hospital.

She looked up at the building, "I can't believe myself."
Her breath wavering, she closed her eyes.
She had to do this.
This is important.

She needs to do this.

She let out a sigh before opening her eyes, and making her way inside the hospital.

"Ms. Robyn?" The woman at the reception said, an unexpected but a very welcome visitor.

"Lauren, hi!" Carmen smiled, "it's good to see you,"

"You too! It's been too long." Lauren softly smiled.

"I'm visiting my sister," Carmen said, "do you mind-"

"Go ahead," Lauren gestured to Carmen to go inside.

Carmen thanked her, and pressed the elevator buttons.
A familiar voice spoke, "Carmen?"

She smiled, and looked back, "Mark," she hugged him excitedly.

"Hey," he hugged her back, "what are you- what are you doing here?"

"Um-" she pulled away, going into the elevator, "I need to do something."


"Don't give me that," she laughed lightly, "I'm not an idiot."


"Shut up," she laughed, hitting him softly on the arm.

"I think he has a surgery right now."


"It just started, so it'll take a while."

"Okay," she gave him a smile before leaving to find Callie.

Carmen wondered the all too familiar halls, looking for the attending's lounge.
She opened the door, "Callie?"

"Callie's in-" their eyes met, "oh. Hi."

"Hi," Carmen gave an awkward smile, "Callie's where?"

"She's in the ER."

"Okay, thanks." Carmen was about to leave, but turned back, "Meredith?"

Meredith looked up at her, "yeah?"

"This is gonna sound...weird and maybe stupid and...whatever." Carmen ran a hand through her hair, approaching Meredith, "you and Derek-"

"We never-"

"I know," Carmen looked down, " I know. I're really pissing me off." She laughed, "I never thought, I'd find myself wanting you two to be together but, here I am."

"Sorry?" Meredith raised an eyebrow.

"I expected you two, to fall in love, be together. At least it'd make would've meant that-"


"That I didn't end it with Derek for no reason."


"I mean," Carmen scoffs, "I would've been really hurt had you two actually gotten together, but it truly really pisses me off that you two never even got together."

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