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Carmen's eyes shot open, her heart beating fast in a state of panic.
It took her too long to realise that the alarming sound was...well her alarm.

She groaned into the pillow, it was unlikely that they even got one hour of sleep.
She heard Harvey laughing next to her, "you better not be laughing at me." She turned to face him, her eyebrows furrowed.

He immediately stopped, "No," he cleared his throat, "why would I be?"

"I hate you, this is all your fault," she rubbed her eyes.

"My fault?" He turned to his side, facing her, "you asked me how good you looked, all I did was answer." He placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"You just have an answer for everything,"

"And," he kissed her again, "I seem to remember you begging for more."

"I sure as hell wasn't the only one," she kissed him.

"Then I guess we're both at fault," he smiled.

"Mhm," she snuggled into him, "I think maybe I should cut you off,"

"What?" He looked down at her.

"Less sex."

"You're really saying that after the night we just had?"

"I'm saying that because of the night we just had," she laughed, "I haven't had a full nights sleep since we got together."


"Enlighten me."

"Well there was that- no..." he paused, "okay you may have a point." He laughed.

"Then," she kissed his chest, "no more sex."

"I wouldn't go that far."

"You're right, you wouldn't last a day."

"Me?" He pulled her up to eye level.

"Okay...we wouldn't last a day."

"Agreed." He exhaled smiling at her, "good morning."

She laughed, "good morning, baby." She pulled him to her, kissing him.

"You don't have to go to work yet, stay. Sleep for a bit." He pulled his shirt on.

"You think?" She shuffled near him.

"Yes. I do." He kissed her, "leave whenever, or don't."

"I just might." She smiled, "come here." She grabbed his tie, to tie it for him.

His eyes smiled along with his lips, "thank you."

"No need to thank me, this is merely for my own enjoyment."


"Mhm," she pulled him to her with his tie, "cause I get to do this when I'm done." Carmen placed a few small kisses before deepening the last one.

"Mm," he smirked as they pulled away, "so you'll be doing my tie from now on."

"At your service, Specter."

He looked back at her shaking his head, as he put on his suit jacket, "I'll see you," he gave her one last kiss before leaving.

"See you."

Carmen dozed off, nearly instantly when she threw herself back into bed. She pulled Harvey's pillow to hold, and shut her eyes. A smile still plastered on her face.
She'd usually be a grumpy mess with that little sleep, but he somehow always manages to make her smile.
His pillow was still warm, and it smelt like him, so very comforting.

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