What If...

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Carmen pushed the bar doors, the smell of alcohol hitting her nose. It was loud. People laughing, shouting, celebrating and some barely holding their tears.

She looked around, her sister wasn't here.
Carmen sighed, looking at her watch, "even when I'm late, she's not here." She said to herself.
"I'll take a tequila shot." She sat across from the bartender.

A man turned towards her, a smile grew on his face that he quickly tried to hide. He scanned her from top to bottom. He looked at her face again, a charming smile plastered on his face, "hi."

Carmen scoffed, turning to face the man. She wasn't up for any of this. She was tired and did not want to be bothered, especially not by some drunk.
"Hi," as her eyes met his, her eyes softened, "oh." She unknowingly said aloud.

The man's smile grew, "oh?"

"God." She laughed, her face turning red, "I thought I said that in my head...I'm very tired." She tried to recover, gulping down that show of tequila.

"Uh huh," he laughed, "Derek Shepard." He offered his hand.

"Carmen Robyn." She shook his hand.

"I haven't seen you here before," he said, his eyes never leaving hers.

"You're here that often?"

He laughed, "no, um but I'm sure I would've noticed you around."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes playfully, "I'm just waiting for someone."

"Oh." He shifted in his seat.

"For my sister," she quickly said, "not- not um, heh never mind." She cleared her throat.

"Good, good." He smiled, "who's uh, who's your sister?"

"Oh, Lexi. Lexi Robyn." She said proudly, "she's a surgeon, well a resident but yeah."

"Lexi," he laughed, "what are the odds?"

"You know her?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a neurosurgeon, we work together."

"Wait-" she realised, "Dr Shepard...yeah yeah! She has talked about you!"


"Yeah, you're um...mcdreamy?" She held her laugh.

He shut his eyes, looking away, a little embarrassed, "that's- they call me that. I don't know."

"Yeah well, I see it." Carmen nodded, "I think it's the eyes thing."

"You see it?" He looked down at her lips then back at her eyes.

"Yeah," she laughed, "but there's also mcsteamy...so I don't know, he kinda sounds hotter." She shrugged.

He scoffed, "don't joke like that."

"I'm not joking."

"That's hurtful. Don't joke."

"I'm not?"

"Carmen," he pouted with his eyes.

She laughed, throwing her head back, "I can't make a decision without seeing mcsteamy first."

"Hurtful." He looked back at the sound of the door, "there. Mcsteamy." He pointed to the guy with salt and pepper hair.


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