Just Like That

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Harvey sat with a drink in his hand.
He didn't understand how love was so close to him, right under his grasp, and it got snatched away.
Just like that.

Was it his fault?

Was it Carmen's fault?

Was it both their faults?

It didn't matter.

It was over.

He wanted a redo to it all.
But he knows he would've made the same mistakes again.
And even if she said yes, he would've messed up along the line. At some point, he would've hurt her and ruined it.

He believed so.

Maybe this was for the best.

He groaned at the thought.
This was not for the best.

He wants her.

He heard a loud knock on his door.
Getting louder each time.

"I'm coming!!" He shouted, the banging continued, "I SAID IM-" he opened the door quickly only to find Carmen staring back at him.

"Harvey!" She let out a breath of relief upon seeing him, "can I come in?"

"Um?" He tilted his head, "yeah." He moved out of the way, letting her in, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm an idiot." She turned to face him, "could I have a drink?"
A confused look still plastered on his face, he poured her a drink.

"Here," he said handing it to her.

"Thanks," she smiled, "so I talked to Jessica."

"What?" He scoffed.

"She's gonna be my lawyer from now on."

"You came here to tell me, I'm fired?" He laughed shaking his head, "wow."

"No...well yes. But I'm here to tell you why I switched to Jessica."

"Enlighten me." He rolled his eyes, sitting down.

"I can't be with you, if you're my lawyer." She held a smile.

"What?" He got back up, approaching her, "Carmen...what are you saying?" A smile slowly crept up on his face.

"I want to give us a try. I like you, Harvey. Too much to not give us a chance. And I'm sorry that-" he cut her off, pushing his lips against hers, pulling her to him, as close as possible. A smile invaded their faces, melting into the kiss.

"You mean it?" He pulled away, resting his head on hers.

She nodded, giggling, "I do." She bit her lip, "I want there to be an us."

He looked at her, with a glisten in his eyes. The way he used to, he was so bewitched by her. His eyes trailed her face, smiling widely. He placed small kisses on her lips, "one condition."


"We always give each other the benefit of the doubt."

"Seal the deal, Mr Specter."
He smirked, carrying her to his bed.

The two laid next to each other, catching their breath, laughing as they made eye contact.

"God I want more!" She groaned, sitting on top of him.

"Ask and you shall receive." He brushed her away from her face, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Mm," she pulled away, "but I did just come from London, and I'm starting to get a headache...so-"

"So?" He flipped them over, kissing her all over.

"Stop!" She laughed, "I'm tired." A little sadness in her voice.

He looked up at her, "don't worry there'll be more nights like this." He grinned, happy to have her under him, satisfied.

"I look forward to them...and maybe a little something in the morning?" She smirked.

"Always." He kissed her before rolling over beside her.

"So here we are. Together." She smiled, drawing patterns on his chest, "just like that?"

He kissed her forehead, "Just like that."

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