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Another month or so has passed, and another struggle came Harvey's way. He had a slight moment of peace after Hardman left, but shortly after, things came tumbling down.

The firm was doing its best to stay on its feet, but it was losing money, and they were hanging on by a thread or two.

Robert Zane attempted to go head to head with their firm over the Folsom food case.
However, not long after, it was handed to none other than: Daniel Hardman.

Just when they thought they'd be done with him, he finds a way to weasel his way back into their lives.
How persistent.

To their dismay, they were handed 40 cases, and backing out was not an option by now.

Carmen hadn't seen Harvey in a few days, he and Mike were busy trying to find a way to win the case.
She found it hard enough to not see him for a day, so nearly 3 days, was really testing her patience.
They called two days ago, but that was it. A text here and there.
She missed him.
She wanted to see him.
But he was busy, and she understood that.

Carmen thought about going to surprise him at work, or showing up at his place at night, or inviting him over for dinner. She wasn't sure.
She just wanted him.

She spun in her chair, thinking.
He's busy.
I shouldn't. She thought.
She looked at the clock, she contemplated for a minute before getting up, grabbing her bag to head out.

"Robyn," Liah stood in her way.

"Liah," Carmen placed her hands on her hips.

"You can't leave," Liah placed her hands on Carmen's shoulders, "you have work."

"I do," she smiled, "but I also need to have lunch."

"Hmm," Liah squinted her eyes, suspicious, "so you're coming back to work this time?"

"THAT WAS ONE TIME!" Carmen laughed, "and that was Harvey's fault, not mine."

"Right," Liah laughed, "be back by 2 or I'm sending out a search party."

"Yeah right," Carmen tried to walk past.

"I'm not joking." Liah held a straight face.

Carmen laughed nervously, "I'll see you at 2."

Carmen made her way through Pearson Hardman, and to Harvey's office.
She was first met with a smiling Donna, but not a second after, her face turned into a panic.
"You okay?" Carmen laughed, "cause you don't look okay."

"Um, I'm okay!" She said nervously, standing in front of Carmen, almost blocking her view?

"Yeah..." Carmen tried to look past her, but Donna kept shifting around, "you gonna tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing's going on."

"You know, for someone who studied theatre, you're not doing so hot right now."

Donna paused, looking a little disappointed in herself, she's usually better at this, "Is it that obvious?" She finally relaxed her stiff shoulders.

"A little yeah," Carmen laughed.

Donna thought for a second, before moving out of the way, letting Carmen through.
Carmen carefully walked into Harvey's office, but only found a woman inside. Why would Donna be hiding her, if Harvey's not even in here?

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