Sign Here

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Ever so shocking, the great Harvey Specter lives up to his name. He got the case thrown out. And here she was, waiting for the elevator doors to open, to sign her name on the dotted line.
Carmen was undeniably impressed, she knew the solution would work, but a part of her wanted him to be wrong.

She stepped out, her heels clacking across the marble floor, looking to her right, 'Pearson Hardman'. Carmen pulled a face.

"No one here likes him either," a woman from behind her spoke, "not that that's shocking."

She turned to face the red haired woman. Pretty, she gorgeous. Her eyes smiled.
"Carmen Robyn," she offered her hand.

"I know," she shook it, "Donna Paulson." She smiled back.

"Can you direct me to the conference room?"

"Right this way," she lead the way. Donna wore a white dress, hugging her perfectly, elegant but Striking. "In here." She opened the door before leaving Carmen with Mr. Specter. Her eyes never left Donna.

"You need a moment alone with Donna?" he smirked as usual.

"Hm," Carmen smiled, as if considering the offer.

"Unbelievable," he laughed shaking his head, "well if you're here for Donna, please don't waste my time."

She laughed, "you're unbelievable." inching closer to him, "you think you're so funny,"

"I don't think-"

"I figured." She shrugged.

"What are you seven?"

"That's weird, are you saying you're eyeing a seven year old?"

His eyes nearly left their sockets, "I was gonna say something, but not a good idea."

"Afraid I'll throw you in jail?"

"With your booming business?"

"Mm, I know some people."

"Your recess buddies?" He raised an eyebrow, a grin growing. "See that's funny, cause you're 7."

"God." She laughed, throwing her head back a little.
His eyes smiled along, looking at her in awe, amusement even.

"Am I gonna sign today or...?" Trying to get professional again, she moved away from him and towards the file of papers.

"Eager to be my client?"

"Eager to leave."

"Hmm, if you say so. " He was right beside me, looking over the paper with her, his breath could be felt on her neck, shivers traveled down.

"Where do I sign?" She barely go out. As if she didn't know.

"Right here," he pointed. He was too close. Too close. Carmen closed her eyes trying to gather herself.
As she signed, Carmen could see him sneak a look of her behind.

"Really, Mr Specter?" She scoffed, "checking my ass out?"

"Not your ass. And it's Harvey." He smiled.

"Oh?" Carmen turned to face him, " thighs?" She raised an eyebrow, reading his face.

"Mm," he smirked, shrugging it off.

"Interesting..." she said, putting the pen down.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, now I can specifically tell you...stop staring at my thighs." He rolled his eyes.

"Like you weren't checking me out,"

"I never said that."

"Then it's only fair, you know my thing, what's your thing?"

"Thing? What are we seven?" She put her hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer, whispering, "you're gonna have to find that out yourself."
Harvey tensed up, his jaw clenching, he's so easy. "I'll see you, Mr. Specter." And with that she left.

Harvey walked back to his office, Donna joining him excitedly.
"What, Donna?" He could see that she's just bursting to throw comments.

"You two have fun?" She asked giddily. He looked up from his laptop, acting clueless. "Next time, please remember that the walls are made of glass. You two were practically fu-"

"Okay, that's enough." He shook his head, "is there anything important? Cause if not I'd like to get back to work."

"Actually yes," she paused, "when did you two sleep together?"

"Donna." He gave a blank look.

"Oh my god," she was amused, "you're telling me, all that built up sexual tension, and you just met yesterday?" She was dumbfounded.
Harvey ignored her.

"Wow," she said and left to her desk.

He sat thinking to himself, 'were we that obvious?'. He shook the thoughts away, it's Donna. Of course she could tell. Doesn't mean anyone else could.

"I heard you actually signed Carmen Robyn." A woman entered Harvey's office.

"You seem surprised," he grinned.

"Well, she's not an easy woman to impress." Jessica Pearson smiled.

"Maybe for you,"

"Right...well, good job. She's good business."

"That she is." Jessica nodded and left.

Harvey thought to himself, has Jessica tried to sign her before and failed. He's a great lawyer, he's aware of that, but Carmen choosing not to sign with Jessica? Deciding to sign with him instead? He unconsciously smiled at the thought of her, getting fidgety as he remembered he might not be seeing her for a while.

Another encounter couldn't come any faster.

Time was slow.

Why must the world torture him?

All he wanted was another glance.

Maybe see her laugh again. Make her laugh again.

He didn't know why he thought this, it seemed so foreign to him. She just...intrigues him.

He wants to see her.

What excuse can a lawyer have with no case?

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