Another Encounter

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It had been a month since their kiss, they both pushed the thoughts away. Their stubbornness and ego was getting in the way.
Why can't they just accept it?

It's been a month since they saw each other. Carmen settled, and there was no case. What reason do they have to see each other? Neither of them wanted to face the other. No matter how much they try to push it away, no matter who they spend the night with, the thought of the other always invades their mind. They wished so badly it was them in bed together, but that couldn't happen. Or so Carmen insisted.

Carmen was getting ready for a party, she wore a satin emerald dress, her curves perfectly moulded with the dress. She opened the jewellery box, a pair of gold earrings with their matching necklace.

"Allow me," a man from behind her approached, he gently interlocked the necklace. "You look amazing." He placed a kiss on her neck, his arms slowly travelling down her arms and to her waist. "Beautiful." He placed another kiss.

"Thank you, Eddy." She smiled at him, "ready to go?"

"Whenever you are," he lead her down and to the car.

"So remind me why I came with you?" Carmen whined once again.

"I didn't force you, you know." Edward laughed, "you wanted to get dressed up and look pretty. Plus, this guarantees a great night for the both of us." He whispered the last part, kissing her softly on the cheek.

"You got your eyes on the prize, huh?" She laughed.

"Of course," he smirked, "come on." He extended his arm for her to interlock them with his, leading her into the venue.

She looked around, taking a champagne glass from one of the waiters. There were some familiar faces, but she so badly didn't wanna do any business tonight. She just wanted a good night of fun.

She excused herself and headed to the bar, "tequila." She stated.

"Fancy meeting you here," Specter smirked as their eyes met, "and tequila? Really? The night just started. Can't be that bad already."

"Hilarious, my night was going just fine until you decided to speak to me." She retorted.

"I think I just made your night." He approached her, "been a while, how you been?"

She smiled, "I'm doing good, stressed out of my mind but good." She fidgeted with her fingers slightly.

"Good," he smiled, "you're working on a new project."

"Yeah," she nodded, this was awkward she could feel it, "how've you been?"

"Good, good." He gulped down his drink, signalling the bartender for another.

"So how'd you get invited to this?"

"I'm the birthday boy's lawyer, you?"

"Go figure," she paused, "um I'm with a...friend."

"Friend?" He shook his head laughing, "I think you're looking for the word boyfriend."

"Nope," she laughed, "he's a friend."

"Whatever you say," he smirked.

"I should go," she smiled, she gulped down her drink, "see you around."

"Say hi to your friend."

He made his way to a blonde, throwing a few comments, impressing her. She put a few strands of her hair behind her ears, blushing at his words.
Carmen observed from afar.
"Try make it less obvious," Edward spoke lowly into her ear.

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