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A deafening sound, a ringing in her ear.
It was like everything was blurry.

The ground wasn't real.

She was floating.

She doesn't remember how she got here.

She looked around, tears running down her face.

Forcing a few breaths through her sniffling.

How did I get here?

A hand reached out to her offering a box of tissues, a sympathetic smile on a familiar face.

I know her.

Who is this?

How did I get here?

"Have some water," an almost distorted voice spoke.

She blinked repeatedly, trying to get a better look.

"Who-" she barely spoke, "who's- how did I- what happened?"

"Carmen," a gentle voice said, it sounded clearer. So familiar, "you're in your office. You're okay."

"What?" Carmen looked around her, "oh."

"Harvey called," the woman, who she now recognised as Liah, said.

"Harvey?" She caught Carmen's attention.

"He told me to take care of you, that you weren't okay?" Liah gave her a soft smile, holding her hand.

"He did?" She sighed, "I fucked up, Liah. I'm so stupid."

"Come on," Liah scoffed, "Carmen Robyn, stupid? Yeah, right."

"I think we broke up..." Carmen returned to her daze.

"Oh." Liah said, lost for words, "are you sure? What happened?" Carmen didn't respond.

"Hm?" Liah looked to Carmen, waiting for a response.


"I'm gonna, get some work done." Carmen wiped the tears away with her hands, shaking any feelings away, "you should go home. It's late."


"I'm okay." Carmen tied her hair up, bringing a pile of files closer to her, "leave."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Liah sighed, "get some sleep."


Jessica's heels echoed through the hallway, you could feel her presence - this powerful aura consuming its surroundings.
A courteous smile on her face as she made her way to Liah, "I'm here to see Robyn."

"Oh?" Liah looked up to see Jessica, she jumped slightly in her chair, "Ms. Pearson. Hi."

"Hi," Jessica smiled, "Robyn?"

"She's not um-" Liah scratched her head with her pen, "she's not here."

Jessica raised an eyebrow, "well, where is she? I need to talk to her."

"That's um..." Liah avoided eye contact.

"Liah...where is Carmen?"

"I don't know." Liah awkwardly laughed, "I think she's at home, but um...she kinda shut everything and everyone off."

Jessica sighed, nodding slightly, "she's not okay."

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