Boy Trouble

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Just as Carmen expected, Liah arranged her schedule to ensure a light day. She was grateful, Liah had only been her secretary for 2 years but she already knew her so well. Liah would get things done without being told, she was considerate. Always knows when something's wrong.

Carmen sat, spinning in her chair, her mind wondering. It's been a few hours since Harvey dropped her off at work. She had told him earlier to never do that again, but now she finds herself wishing for it to happen again.

Her phone rang, she quickly reached for it. Was he really thinking of her, the same time she was?

A look of disappointment fell on her face,
Callie🦴 is calling...

She sighed answering the phone, "hey."

"Don't sound so disappointed..." she could hear Callie's laugh, "we haven't talked in months! And that's how you say hey?!"

"I'm sorry," Carmen laughed, "I was just expecting a call is all."


"No oh." Carmen shook her head, "anyway how are you?"

"Changing the subject," Callie sounded amused, "we'll come back to it. I'm good! I'm great, how are you!"

"Good, good."

"You could sound a little more convincing..."

"Callie," Carmen sighed, "you can't just pretend to be convinced?"

"I could, but then I wouldn't know what's wrong."

"It's fine, it's nothing really. Just work."

"Mhm," Carmen could practically see Callie grinning, "so boy trouble?"

"You're so nosey." Carmen laughed, "how's mark?"

"Mark's good, Sophia's good, we're all good." She smiled.

"And Derek?"

"You really wanna know?" Callie sighed.

"Mhm," a knot grew in Carmen stomach, she wanted to hurl.

"I think...he's finally getting better. He used to have a short fuse, he's kind of back to himself." She said softly, "but he's not exactly happy, if that's what you're asking."

"I want him to be okay."

"I know, he will be, he is." She tried to reassure her.

"Is" Carmen fidgeted, not sure what answer she wanted to hear.

"Carms, you don't-"

"So he is." Her heart felt heavy, "that's okay." She forced out. He had every right to date again, she wants him to date, obviously. She wants him to be happy. She was falling for someone too, so why can't he?

"Not exactly," Callie sighed, "she's very clearly a rebound."

"Wait what?" Carmen said, "it's not Mer-"

"Nope," Callie laughed, "it's crazy, they kinda hate each other right now."


"I don't know what the drama actually is," she sounded excited to finally tell Carmen, "but they cant even look at each other anymore. Much less be in the same room!"

"Unbelievable!" Carmen scoffed, "now he can't look at her?"

"Right? What a douche." She rolled her eyes.


"Soooo," Callie started, "why haven't you called me in months?"

"Why haven't you?"

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