~Chapter 4 tears~

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~Chan's pov.~

I was calmly finishing up our essay when i sensed they was something wrong. When I focused more on it I could feel the Lix was hurt but not physically. I was puzzled with this cuz he is not the person who cries easily. Just as I finaly finished it I heard some paws and then footsteps outside the door. As i was about to stand up, the doorknob twisted and I witnessed a passed out Felix falling inside. I was quick enough to catch him up and locked the door again. I carried him upstairs and ran a warm bath for him. His hair was soaked when he came in and tear strains were vissible on his cheeks. He looked like a mess and it looks like he won't wake up soon. I grabbed some clean and warm clothes for him so he won't get cold later.

As I was wondering about what happened I got an idea to find it out. I know I promised Felix to never do it again since its basically intruding his privacy but I need to know why he is such a mess at this  moment. I slightly turned him around in the tub, his neck facing me. Its a very very old practice that only pack alphas learn in their training. I got my claws out and positioned them behind Felix his neck. When they were in the right position i pushed them in and entered his mind.

I was searching around for the moment we left school and found eventually a small library. Im starting to lose focus but I need to concentrate even if its dangerous for me. I looked around and saw a shelf full of books about mythical creatures. That he was hidden somewhere and saw eventually two boys walk in. Thos faces, I thought I would never see them again when they got burried after the rouge vampire battle. I pulled my claws back and spat out some blood. I could feel myself getting weaker by the second and eventually everything around me went black and heard a single ring until it was completly silent.

~Felix's pov.~

I woke up in a warm and wet surrounding, I opened my eyes and saw i was in a nicely filled bath tub. I started to think back about what happened and then it hit me why I passed out. Did I fall that hard cuz my neck is sore. Chan would have caught me on time right so why is it so sore? Just when I touched the back of my neck, I whinced of the pain. What the hell. When I look at my hand, it was covered in blood and my eyes grew wide in terror. I turned around fastly, not the best idea, and saw Chan passed out on the gound with blood coming from his mounth. He was still breathing luckily but for how long? I stuffed my clothes in a tiny backpack, Lifted Chan onto my back and shifted to find medical help.

I ran for a while through the forest and found the portal we came through. I was instantly met with worried looks from our pack and dashed of to our doctor. When the doctor was done treating Chan he attended the wound on my neck and it almost instantly healed. I was laying down in the hope that Chan would wake up soon. I know I have to discuss with the pack alpha and luna about everything that happened today but Chan was more important for me right now. 

I still cant believe Changbin and Seungmin are alive. Seungmins mate was a lovely elf and elfs mating world works diffirent then ours, but Changbins mate is me. It hurted so much when he died. We only had to do the last step of mating to complete the mating bond but when he died my wolf was so sad that i wanted to join him in the afterlife. It is that Chan found me on time else I would have succeeded in it. Now Im really happy that I didnt succeed. I always knew that he was alive, I always had the feeling that he would still be here but a lot of wolves told me back then that the rogue vampires killed them.

I started to silent cry when I thought back to those tearfull memories. I was crying out of sadness but also out of anger. How could he do this to me. He knew what it would do to me to see my own mate getting burried. "Lix its okay, everything is okay. Please stop crying."  I shot my head up only to see Chan awake faintly. "Hyung you should sleep more, you need your rest." I oppered in the hope he would listen but to my luck, not. Gosh why are alphas so stubborn. "Lix please help me to sit up. Im okay and I mean it, dont worry about me." How can I not worry about him, he is my only brother. Even so I helped him to sit up cuz even if I refused he would have his ways to make me listen. He is still the heir to the pack alpha position.

"Never get back in my mind please, its dangerous for you and you know it." Maybe a lecture will make him listen, most likely not but it never hurt to try it tho. "Lix you got me worried and I needed to know what happened to you in order to calm my wolf down. You know that Chris is even more stubborn then me". He is not wrong tho. His inner wolf Chris is the most stubborn entity i have ever known and scary too. I would never in my life want to meet a angry Chris. Sometimes I still have flashbacks of the battle. He took 10 vampire rouges out at the same moment. The power and strenght that my brother holds is insane. "You know we have to talk to mom and dad about today, about Y/n and those two wolves?" I asked with a carefull tone in my voice. "I know Lixie, I will talk to them after I get a bit of my strenght back." I could hear a slight anger tone lingering in his voice which can only mean one thing..........

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