~Chapter 16 pregnant~

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~Felix's pov.~

After our physician did his thing, he concluded that I was pregnant with twins. Deep down I was so happy. Changbin who was next to me thanked the physician and asked him to pass the news on to the rest. After he left, Changbin sat behind me and pulled me in a hug. "I'm gonna be a father Lixie." I could feel some droplets of joy fell on my shoulder and I couldn't keep my eyes dry neither. It was been such a long time when we fantasized about it and now it finaly became the truth. Not long after we heard paws running up the stairs, Changbin shot up and the door broke down.

~Y/n's pov.~

After the physician came downstairs and told us the good news, I couldn't be any happier. They must have waited so long for this moment and it finaly came true for them. I hadn't noticed that I was slipping and Eunha started to take over. I shifted and ran up the stairs and broke the door down. It was still in one piece but they would need to change the knob for it to work as a door again, oopsie. When I saw my lovely brother standing defensively in front of Felix, I tackeled him down and started to play with him. ~"I'm finaly gonna be an aunt."~ I heard Felix giggel and he looked with admiration in his eyes at us. Me and Changbin always love to play together and we always will. "Don't forget that Seungmin is also gonna be an uncle." I heard Felix say and I started to sweep my tail back and forth out of happiness. ~"Unless you want a savage children, you should keep an eye out when they are with Minnie hyung"~ Now Changbin started to laugh. It is true tho, he might look like a decent wolf but he is as savage as it can be.

Not long after Chan also got up and waited at the doorframe, observing us. When I noticed him, I tackled him down and we fell accidentally from the stairs. I didn't stop me from playing tho. We wrestled back and forth until I hovered over him infront of his parents. "So your inner wolf is very playfull." Chan's mother said in a cheerfull tone. "She never really got the change to play when the rouge war started." Seungmin kicked in. "Me and my elder brother fought while she had to flee with our maid and our best knight, who both didn't make it. Miss park found her while she laid against their corpses. As a ten year old she killed the five remaining rouges. in order to stay alive. So yes her wolf is very playfull since she never could really play in the human world." He said while he looked up from his book, he always knew what to say when I couldn't verbally talk. ~"Thanks hyungie"~ I said and let Chan free. He wouldn't had a chance to win from me anyways.

~Chan's pov.~

She is really doing something to me. Is this how it feels like to be in love? If it is, please let it never stop. I only went upstairs to check on the two lovebirds, only to get tackled by an enormous pitch black wolf down the stairs. "So your inner wolf is very playfull." My mom said in a cheerfull tone and that's where she stopped wrestling with me. When I looked in her eyes I saw a slight expression of guilt. After Seungmin gave a summary of how the rouge war affected her, I felt sad for her. One of the biggest punishments for a werewolf is to not be able to free themselves like shifting and taking a run through a forest.

I noticed that her inner wolf slipped and Y/n came back. She backed off from me and layed down on the ground. I shifted in my wolf form and nudged her side in the hope to get her attention. When i got that, I dashed out of the door and she followed. We ran through the forest for a long time and eventually halted by the most gorgous lake I knew. The water was a nice temprature so I went in and shifted back. After some time of observation she did the same and also went in. We swam around for some time until we had enough and Shifted back in our wolf forms and headed for shore.

After laying some more time drying up, we finaly decided to head back to the village since it was getting late. Just when we were starting to get closer and closer to the village, she dashed off in the direction of the portal between our and the human world. Oh no what did she sense just now. I ran after her only to witness her above a boy. Kinda wished it was me, no what the fuck Chan you're an alpha not a omega. I don't think I have seen that boy before, he is pretty too. I really need to stop being jealous of random people that I don't know. "Please don't kill me, I fled from the vampire camp. As long if you have me around, they won't attack. Just please accept me as your prisoner and spare my life."

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