~Chapter 5 survival~

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(Longer chapter and sad ahead,get the tissues ready if you are a very emotinal person :)

~Y/n's pov.~

As me and Heeso were doing reseach in the countless books that surrounded us, We heard a soft knock and the door was opened. I saw two faces I havent seen in a long time. Changbin and Seungmin. I dropped my book softly on the nice red carpet and ran up to them. The got the biggest hug I could give to them and they recieved it with open arms. I heard a soft gasp that wasn't from Heeso since we played all together when we were little kids and some seconds later a soft tud was heard outside. 

"Binnie and Minnie, nothing has really changed and Im glad." I began our conversation. "It was Felix who just jumped out of the window right?" The two boys looked at me like they have seen a ghost. I quickly explained what happened at school today about Felix and Chan. I could see a tear rolling down Changbins cheek and gave him a big hug. "He was, no is your mate isn't he?" I could hear some quiet movement behind me, indicating that Seungmin and Heeso gave us some space. Changbin rarely cries, but when he does there is something very wrong.

"He would understand it after you do your eplanation, you know he has a big heart and can't stay mad to long right?" Now he completely broke down and i guided him to the groung. We sat there for a while, him sobbing on my shoulder. I decided to take of my neckless and shifted into a wolf almost instantly. I nuzzled myself against Changbin and let my bright red/purple eyes show in the hope it will calm him down. When the sobbing stopped, I ran around and did some tricks to make him laugh. After I heard some chuckles, I ran to the cabinet behind the big reading chair and dressed me up again after my detransformation.

"Thanks for making me laugh Y/n-ah. You always knows what someone needs." I gave hime a warm smile and hugged him one more time. "No problems, it feels natural to help people in need, guess that's the alpha part of me." I giggled at the last part. "To bad your clothes are torn now. I'm sorry about that." I pulled out of the hug and held his cheeks in my hands. "Dont worry about some stupid set of clothes, family comes first to me. It has been a while since we last saw eachother and you needed my support so as the heir of the wolf kingdom I order you to not feel guilty about those clothes. I can always ditch school tomorrow and we can shop for some new clothes." I tried to make an extra silly face to get him laughing again, in which my plan succeed. "You always know what the people around you need don't you? No wonder why mom and dad wanted my little sister to be the heir of the throne. You would be a good queen."  Would I?

~Seungmin's pov.~

When i heard the name "Felix" role of Y/n's tongue, I knew why the first tear felt. I stuck out an arm to Heeso and helped her up and we quietly left the mini library. "I know something bad must have happened in the past and I understand if you don't really want to talk about it, but I'm kinda curious now. Changbin rarely cries." I completely get her tho. That man can freeze his feeling except if it's about his loved ones, then he is such a softie. "It al began eight years ago. The three of us were nicely playing in the gardens of our castle like mansion, I mean our parents are the king and queen of the wolf kingdom. When we were laughing hard while laying on the soft sea green grass, we heard that vampire rouges had passes the borders of our territory and they were looking for the special alpha. Me and Changbin knew it was about Y/n and we looked at eachother with a horrified look on our faces."

~Flashback Seungmin's pov.~

I was witnessing my giggely sister being chased by my eldest brother Changbin. It all began when Y/n was a butterfly and wanted to catch it without any succes. My lovely brother decided it would be fun to tease her with a small chase. We all had a fun afternoon at the garden until we saw a worried look on the face of the made after one of our knights whispered something to her. She came running over to us and me and my brother knew the hell broke lose. We had eavesdropped a while ago and heard something about vampire rouges on the lose, looking for a royal alpha with red/pruple eyes. We knew it had to be about Y/n but she was still so young and we didn't want her to be scared, but when the mad grabbed her and the knight dragged me and Binnie hyung inside to our parents, we all knew what was going on. Mom and dad ordered the maid and night to flee with Y/n far away from here so she would be safe. A alpha born with red/ purple eyes hadn't be born in a couple of centuries, so it was very rare to have one around.

The last alpha who had those eyes, defeated the pirate army and drove them away to the sacred seas of the mermaids and sirens. Since then there hasn't been such a special alpha around. Me and Changbin stayed since we could fight. I mean Binnie hyung is 18 and im 16 so we can fend for ourselves, but our little sister was only 10. Just a little girl that has so many unknown powers in her. We got help from neigbouring tribes who sended their strongest wolves. Most of them were alphas but there was one omega between them. A prime omega to be exact, just like me. When my brother saw his emerald green eyes for the first time, he knew he found this mate. In the day time you could always find those two together, Changbin hyung and his omega Felix. I have to admit, they're a cute couple.

But in every love tale, there is a tragic end. The strongest alphas and the prime omegas fought against the rouges while the what less stronger alphas kept their guard around the camp that were set up. It was a blood slaughtering war. Everywhere you could find injured wolves and dead vampire rouges. Even tho vampires usually heal faster then us, we had the adventage that they were rouges. Like wolves, your stronger in numbers and even tho they had a small rouge army, they didn't have a real leader where the strenght was born. For us it was my brother Changbin and the older brother of Felix, Chan. Those were the strongest alphas we had, blood alphas. They are also quite rare but a moon alpha like my little sister is even more rare. 

In the end of the fight, me and Changbin sat together against a tree, severly injured. We didn't know if we would make it through the night. We just sat there, talking to our wolf link. Eventually we heard people screaming but we couldn't make out who since we were to weak to move a single muscle. The last thing I saw was a passed out Changbin and a hysterical Felix running to him in the corner of my eyes. They got to tired to be help open so I closed them lightly. At least my brother would die with his mate next to him, but I wouldn't sadly. But atleast I would die with my brother.

It felt like I was falling into an abyss endlessly until I suddenly woke up. I shot up and I regretted that desicion. I saw the wound on my stomach slightly turning red and it hurted like hell. "Hey there buddy calm down please, your safe here." When I heard that awfully familliar voice I turned around and almost cried my lungs out of happiness that he was still alive. Changbin gave me the update that I was out for the past three months and that he was worried that I wouldn't make it. Soon after a pretty lady walked in and started to attend our wounds again. We learned what happened after the battle. Our dad planned the funeral while grieving about his lost children. Our mom couldn't believe that we were dead so she searched for a witch that took us in and started to look after us. After two months my brother woke up, still very weak and a month later it was my turn. The words "lost children" still rang in my head and my hyung noticed. 

"What about our little sister Y/n, miss Park?" Changbin asked the pretty lady. It was the question I wouldn't want to ask. It was already difficult to think that she also lost her life and my tears started to role down. "Don't worry about her my children, she is in a safe place." That comment didn't really help my emotional state."When I walked through the forest, feeling someone needed my help, I found some dead bodies. A few were vampires but the others belonged to a knight and a maid. It must have been a hard battle, I thought to myself back then. I got pulled out of my trance by a small sniffle, well I thought it was. That was the moment I locked eyes with....." Before she could finish her sentence, a little girl walked in. I almost didn't reconize her. "Hyungies." Is what she said before she began to silent cry. She survived. Our little sister and the hope of our nation survived the war.

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