~Chapter 22 birth~

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~Changbin's pov.~

After Felix asked me if we found her, a worried feeling settles me in my stomach. He is normally not up at this time and he would never asked me that question in with a worried undertone unless something is wrong and he needs me. "What's wrong hyung?" Seungmin asked, he always catch on me first when Y/n is not around me. "Something is off about Felix, I don't know what it is but it is worrying me." I don't know what to do, Y/n dissapeared but Felix most likely needs me right now. ~"We haven't found her yet, only some things that belonged to her. Is there something wrong? You want me to come? I will run back through this whole forest if you need me by your side."~

We decided to head back and search later again for Y/n. How much I want to find my sister, I knew she dissapeared on purpose. She always had that habit that she would vanish and be found on the right place where someone needed her. When we were close to the village again, I felt a shap pain in my abdomen and fell on my knees. "Is everything okay?" Chan asked with concern lingering in his voice. "It's Felix. He is in pain." I said before I rushed off. Not even a minute later I flew up the stairs to check on him, only cuasing me to pass out.

~Felix's pov.~

Miss Park started to get the essentials so that nothing will go wrong. I felt a sharp pain by my belly and tears started to roll down slightly. I'm happy and scared right now. My contrections got worse with every minute that passed. Soon the moment to push approached so I pushed with all my might on the cues miss Park gave. Changbin came running in and passed out when he saw us. I mean it must not have been an ideal sight to look at. "Head is out, give me one big push and you will get a little break." And with that done, I heard the cries of our first born child. I started to cry along with happiness.

Changbin started to wake up again from the cries and sat next to me. "Next time, please give me a warning if you are in that situation again." I giggled at his remark. "You are the one that bursted in without a knock so don't blame me for it." Soon another contraction followed and it will soon be time to birth our second child. "You alright Lixie? Do you need anything?" I giggled again. "The only thing I need the most right now is you next to me and preferable not passed out this time." Now we both laughed.

Not long after we could hold both our healty newborns in our hands. "It's to early to confirm it but I think they are both going to be great alpha's, the only one that can say it for sure with their instinct is Y/n" Miss Park told us. We couldn't be any happier at this moment. Two little princesses who might be alpha's. "Seems like there is gonna be a lot of aunt and niece time when they are more grown up. I know Y/n is still out there, on the place she needs to be the most right now so don't worry to much about it Lix, you promise." I nodded my head, agreeing with what he was saying and will be focussing more on the babies so they can become strong werewovles.

~Y/n's pov.~

As I let my body move by the stream in the ocean, I could feel that Felix gave brith to two healty alpha girls. They are going to be strong and protective of their family like I am. The stream only dragged me further and further away from the cliff until I stranded on the land of the mereman and meremaids. I got up and walked over the nice beach with a beautifull view. The moon even shone brighter then it did before. After some long time of walking on the beach near the ocean, I got tackled down and dragged towards the water.

I shifted and scratched the person that decided to tackle me and he let go of my ankles. I turned around and growled out loud to the mereman that hid in the water. I flashed my purple eyes and he dissapeared back into the water. Not long after I could see someone with a purple tail swim in the distance in my direction. 'Hyunjin'. Only royals have a purple tails in the undersea kingdom of meremans and meremaids. the other two colors are silver and gold, which indicates their ranks like we wolves have with our eyes.

"Long time no see Y/n-ah, I thought you died after I heard the news of the rouge war eight years ago." It was a time I preferable not think back about but I want him to know what exactly happened so I told him the whole storie, even Jisung included and the lovely mates with their own litter. "It has indeed been a long time since we last talked to eachother. I don't know why but I followed my gut feeling and stranded here. It was like someone was calling out for my help." I explained him on how I had found him after so long. Finding the underwater lands isn't an easy thing to do since you can only find it by a specific stream in the ocean.

"It was me who called out Y/n-ah. The people here are getting sick after they come back from the shore, It's like something is poisening us." Now this concerns me pretty much since you can barely spot on of them on shore. "Bring me to them." With that we walked into the water to neck height, Hyunjin created a bubble for me so I wouldn't drown and we went in completely, on the way to figure out how to save these water creatures.

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