~Chapter 20 hidden emotions~

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~Changbin's pov.~

It hurted me to see my little sister being in this state. After she passed out, that Jisung boy finished quickly and she should be okay, at least that is what he told me. Almost two months have passed since that day and she still wouldn't wake up. Lix also got slightly worse as time passed. He threw up more and got those weird eating habits. His mother said that it was completly normal and that it will change as time passes on. Chan got a temper as the days passed and mostly redirected small outburts at Jisung. Poor boy only wanted to help us.

~Chan's pov.~

The past two months have been like hell for me. Y/n didn't woke up after that day and I don't know what to do. I eventually started to blame it on myself, if I only hadn't taken her out for a swim this wouldn't have happened in the first place. I have been searching through the books we have here and haven't found a solution yet. Presious time is ticking away with each second that passes, something we couldn't use right now. The eclipse is coming closer and closer and it will be the day that vampires get more power like we wolves have during a super moon.

~Felix's pov.~

Ever since I found out that I was carrying, I kept throwing up. Some days worse then others and luckily is most of the times in the morning. My mom said it was normal and that she even had it worse when she was pregnant with Chan. The stronger the pups the worse it is and more energy it will take from me. I also got these weird eating habits and food combo's but they are tasty tho. I just ignore those weird looks and eat my food to deliver healthy pups. She also said that I will get difficulty with controling me emotions next trimester.

~Y/n's pov.~

I passed out again after seeing my brothers wake in a worse state. I woke up in a pitch black room, not a single light wasn't seen. I walked around to find a way out, but I found none. I have been walking for what felt like hours. I could hear voices faguely in the distance but I couldn't make out who they belong to. Not long after I was met with a bright light that nearly blinded me. At least I could see more then in the dark. When I opened my eyes, I looked around in amaze. It looked like I was walking through a galaxy. It was so pretty.

After some more discovering around I was met with a loud growl. I turned around and was met with a large, pitch black wolf. This wolf was at least three sizes bigger then a normal wolf. "You are me aren't you? You are Eunha, my inner wolf right?" Not long after the wolf transformed into a girl and it was like I was looking in a mirror. "You don't know why you are here are you?" She asked me. To be honest I'm confused about all this. "I'm in my unconsious to connect completely with you right? My father once talked about this in one of his lectures." I aswered back.

"When we are at our deepest low, we are open for the greatest changes. Everything is falling apart again and it is even worse then it was eight years ago. It is our mission to prevent that tragedy from happening. Last time the vampires were lucky that you were just a small child but even back then you were still dangerous with the little power you had in yourself." The five rouge vampires I killed. I remember it all now. I remember how that day exactly went eight years ago.

"We get our power from the moon. The moon is our main source but we have to find another way to fight without that power. You have not for nothing the neckless that symbolizes the tree of wisdom. Your biggest power is your mind. Those who aren't the strongest have to be smart. And that is exactly what we need to do. The vampire prince will use the eclipse in his advantage to hunt down innocent wolves." She continued

"We have an advantage of ourself to Eunha. We have Jisung among us, the mate of the vampire prince. Even the most cruel persons can't change the way we feel about our mates. So he will be our joker card in this game, as long as we have him, Minho wouldn't start anything." I summed up a part of our new plan to win this war for once and for all. He hummed in satisfaction. Jisung was a good guy, it must have been painfull for him to witness al these tragedies that happened the past eight years.

It didn't take long before she dissapeared from my eye sight and everything was pitch black again. I woke up in an unfamilliar bed and looked around. The light of the full moon lit the room up perfectly. I saw Chan laying down on the ground, sleeping while being surrounded by countless bookes. Poor boy must have been searching for answers day and night. I walked to the window to witness this gorgious picture in the sky. My watch said it was almost 3 am. For how long have I been out? How has the rest been doing after the incident?

Countless questions started to fill my head. I decided to jump out of the window and I landed with a smooth roll on the ground. I don't know where I'm going but I have the feeling that I need to follow it. Something is luring me around through the forest. Something that needed me the most at this moment. I kept on walking and walking untill I came to a stop. I was at a huge cliff. The refelction of the moon on the water was so pretty. I took off everything I had on my and layed it next to me on the ground.

There I was, standing on the edge. Not fearing the height of the cliff. The wind was nicely blowing through my hair. I turned around and let myself fall back. It felt like an eternity passed before my back finaly have hit the water. I let my body float and follow the streaming of the luke warm ocean. I remember everything. I remember who I was and what I will have to do now.

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