~Chapter 36 travel~

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~Seungmin's pov.~

Yesterday was finaly the day my heat ended and we are packing to travel back to the castle we belonged to when we were younger. It will be weird to finally see my parents after more then eight years. I wish we could have returned earlier but we couldn't yet. It wasn't save enough was what aunty always told me and my brother. I was done packing early since I had barely stuff here from what I used to have, so I will guess I will just wait until the others are ready to leave this house behind and move forwards to our new home.

We have walked a lot already and we still have a long way to go according to aunty. Chan, Changbin, Heeso and Y/n were shifted in wolf forms and the rest of us traveled on their backs. I sat on Heeso since I was the omega in heat yesterday, while Felix sat on Changbin with one of the twins and aunty on Chan with the other twin. The two vampire lovebirds sat on Y/n's as we traveled through this thick forest. After hours of walking we decided to rest at a nice opening with a small river bank in the middle of this gigantic forest. While almost everyone was drooling over the twins, My sister and her mate sat somewhere far away from us. I know Y/n is always alert but it is like she has something on her mind that is really bothering her.

~"What's on your mind little sis?"~ I asked her. I know I won't get the answer from her that I want, but something is still better than nothing right? ~"Nothing you should worry from. I'm just on the lookout since I have the feeling that something bad will happen to one of you. I can't just figure out who but you don't need to worry about it. I will protect you all and make sure you all are safe, that's my duty as the head alpha here."~ It was more then I expected for what she would answer. I got slightly worried about it but I know she will do everything to make sure we are safe. I have faith in her, we all do here.

~Y/n's pov.~

The whole ride, I have a bothering feeling lingering in my stomach and I couldn't get a grip on what it is. After hours of walking, we took a break by a small but gorgeous river bank. While the others had all fun, I sat aside trying to figure out what is bugging me so bad. Chan noticed me pretty fast and came sitting next to me. "Something is bugging you a lot isn't there?" He asked, also getting slightly worried. "Hmm, I feel like it's going to easy until now when I look around, I feel like something bad is gonna happen when look up the clear sky and I feel like one of them is gonna die while they looks so happy now. I just can't get a grasp on who so I don't know on who I should put extra attention and I hate feeling this useless." I spoke up, finally letting all my frustrations out that have been building up in me.

"Hey hey hey, listen to me. You are absolutely not useless. You are the best alpha they could have wished for and even better, they best mate I could wish for. Even tho we started off the wrong foot, look at where we are sitting now. Don't degrade yourself for a power you haven't been able to practice much because of those annoying leeches." He began and made me laugh. "Just believe in yourself and everything will be okay with all of them over there. Don't worry to much and relax a bit if possible and enjoy the sight you see in front of you." He finished off his speech. "Thanks you're right." I said before walking back with him and in hand to the rest of the group.

"If everyone is charged up to travel further we will resume our journey to the castle." I said before shifting and laid down under a tree while observing the rest. Chan laid soon down next to me and Changbin transformed not long after too, followed by Heeso. The others mounted on our backs and we continued on what seemed like a never ending travel. ~"Chan-ah, the feeling got stronger since we left the river bank. I know I shouldn't be worried but I still wanted to let you know it."~ I mind linked him. ~"I know, I can feel you have became slightly more anxious but thanks for keeping me up to date."~ He mind linked back.

After few another exhausting hours, we finally reached the castle. I'm back home after eight years. We got halted when we reached the gate by some young guards. They must be new here. "Only members of the royal family can enter the castle so turn back around where you came from and leave." One of the guards snorted. "You better take those words back and shove them up your ass before I get you fired dumbass, you are clearly new here else you would have known me." Seungmin snorted back while stepped off of Heeso and walked to one of the guards grabbing him by his collar.

I ran behind a tree and shifted back and dressed myself up quickly and pulled Seungmin back by his collar before the other guard could stab him with a knife. I punched one of them and floored the other while I let my eyes glow up while hovering over him. "How dare you to pull a knife at your own prince. You will let us go through that gate before I show you what a moon alpha is capable of and I will use your bones as toys for the king and queens grandchildren. Am I clear or do you need a demonstration?" I threatened while the poor soul under me gulped for his life. I don't really like violence but if there is not another solution, I will use it and dominate the fight. They soon let us through and even got a servant to announce our arrive to the king and queen, my parents I haven't seen in years. 

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