~Chapter 23 survive~

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~Hyunjin's pov.~

When one of the guards said he saw a girl with purple glowing eyes, I couldn't believe my ears. Is Y/n still alive? Before my parents could say anything, I swam away toward shore. It's been so long since I heard from her.


It was the day Y/n would be named the sole heir of the wolf kingdom. But instead of a coronation it became the funeral of all the royal children. It was a sad day with rain pouring from the sky, matching with the gloomy mood that everyone had. I just lost my best friends, all on the same day. Two died on the battlefield fighting against vampires, while the other fled and feared of her life. I still couldn't grasp it on how it could have happened so fast at once.While the funeral was, the king tried to be strong while the queen cried out her heart. It must have been painfull for them to lose all their childeren on the same day. 

Even tho the ceremony was beautifull in the honor of the three lost royals, it was a gruesome day that no one wants to talk about.The following months were spend in sadness, everyone was still mourning the three children and it was noticable everywhere. Even the siren tribes were mourning them. How can it be that they could kill a prime omega and a blood alpha at the same time and a moon alpha not long after it. It can't be right, something is off about it.

Eventually I started to investigat this matter cuz some things weren't right about  it. Even when my parents told me to stop after they got wind about it, I refused and swam away from home. I swam and swam until I reached shore, not knowing which shore I headed to. I saw humans in the distance and got scared. My parents always told me that I should fear humans the most. They had no mercy accrourding to them and that's also how I lost my sister. A slightly younger boy pulled me back into the water and I came back to my senses.

I don't know why but I felt a bond between us right away. He told me that his name was Jeongin and that I should come to close to humans. We headed to a better place to get on shore and we walked for some time through a big gorgious forest. I heard some giggles that sounded familliar but I didn't pay much attention to it. We laughed and played around a big lake we had found and had so much fun. It felt like I finaly found someone who understood me.

~Y/n pov.~

We finaly reached his home town and we got some stares. I guess it's not a daily phenomenon to see a girl without a tail swimming past you. We finaly reached a building that looked like a small hospital and went in. After we passed the first door, the second door wouldn't open. "Wait a second, it's a standard thing here." Hyunjin reassured me. The water was drained in the small place we were standing and then the second door opened. I could finaly breath normal again. 

We walked past some doctors and nurses until Hyunjin stopped infront of a room, hesitating before going in. I held his hand and stepped inside the room first, encouraging him to follow me. After I saw the patients, my heart dropped down to my feet. "That's why you desperatly called out for help." He nodded his head while a tear rolled down his face. It must have been hard for him to see both his parents like this.

He let me flip through the files of previous treaments that didn't work and some even made it worse. After the last page there were a bunch of pictures that seemed familliar. It looked exactly like the I had after I took a swim with Chan. "I know how we can make them better, don't worry about it. Stay here and I'm going to grab something to eat in the meanwhile." Right on cue my stomach started to rumble and I walked out. I got some things that looked like there was some sugar in it and searched for the doctor that was mentioned in the files.

Some time later I knock on his office door and walked in. "I know how we can save your king and queen." I let my eyes glow in the middle of the scentance. "How? I have tried so many things and only made it worse." He answered back. "Tab my blood and give it to them, it will get htem better. I'm a moon alpha from the wolf kingdom." He agreed and tapped the first liter from me and waited a bit so that I wouldn't be to dizzy. I ate some of the snacks I got before he got the second liter and I ate some more.

We went back and he gave the blood to Hyunjin's parents. Their wounds started to heal bit by bit and were soon completly healed. It took some time for them to wake up, but when they did we helped them to sit up. I got out and called for the doctor to do a check up after I let him know that the king and queen just woke up.

~Hyunjin's pov.~

"Mom, dad I missed you so much." I couldn't help but let tears of joy roll down my face. It has been years they have been like this and they finaly woke up. Not long after, Y/n came back with the doctor and he did a quick check up to be sure they were really okay. "I have never seen such a miracle. How did you exactly know what to do to save our king and queen." The doctor asked, it was indeed a miracle that they healed so quickly from wolf blood. I know the blood of a moon alpha is stronger then those of other alpha's, but how is it possible that they heal up so quickly in one day that no doctor here could succes in months.

"I got a simillar injury a couple of months ago. It's a special type of vampire poison that activates when it gets in contact with water. You can only save the injured person with the blood of the vampire that attacked and blood of an alpha, the stonger the alpha the better the results will be." She explained. "How did you get the blood of the vampire prince while being injured." I asked. Minho is not an easy target to hunt down. "I happen to know his mate who is one of my childhood friends"

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