~Chapter 24 lost knowledge~

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~Y/n's pov.~

We had quite a good chat for some time. Hyunjin mostly talked about what had happened in the past few years in the kingdom. It took some courage but he also told them about his mate. It is a rare phenomenon for a mereman and a siren to be mated since they are both from diffirent kingdoms. After they got discharged we went out for dinner since it was getting late. We went to a well known underwater restaurant and it look gorgeous.

"Sir, mam there is a question that has been lingering on my mind for quite some time now." I began. "You can drop the formals honey and ask away." The remark made me smile and I gathered the courage to ask it. "How comes that both of you were poisoned with their poison for so long?" Their smiles dropped and Hyunjin gave me the 'are you serious' look. I know it is a sensitive topic but how come that they were both down for so long.

"After the funeral we attended eight years ago in the wolf kingdom we encountered some vampires on the way back to the waters. Most man fought and the woman feld with the children to safety. Luckely no one of us got injured but I can't say that about the vampires. We started an investigation and gathered a lot of information through the past years. It was all going so smooth until the vampires got wind by it." She began."That coward of a vampire king send their son as a weapon after us to silence us. It is said by the witches that he is a special vampire like you are a special wolf both powerful and dangerous. I don't know exaclty how the ranks work in their monarchy but it is like he is a special vampire that barely born." He went further in on his wife.

"So what you were saying is that you have gathered a lot of information about them and they wanted to silelnce you?" Hyunjin added in between. "Yes honey, it is that Y/n didn't die like everyone thought and came to save us. Without her we would have been dead soon." It was so much to take in for the moment. Just to realize that they were still lingering out there, waiting for an oppertunity.

"May I see the map by any change?" I know it is bold to ask but I need to gather information too. Vampires are fast and strong. I'm too but better be safe then sorry, so those who aren't the strongest should be wise. "Ofcourse my dear. We started to investigate the matter so that if you would have survived you can make an end to it. To bring the peace back to us all. and restore the balance between our nations like how it was centuries ago."

While we bit our goodbye's, I recieved the map that could lead us to our victory. It was pretty big filled with a lot of knowledge that we could use in our adventage. When I came to shore, I earched for a good place to skim through the information to find things I could use. I found a nice tree and climed in it while having a nice view of the ocean. The sound of the waves colliding with the beach was calming and goes good with reading.

After I skimmed through the map, I found an intresting page in the end. It was a note with an attack plan. It looks like it belonged to a vampire and the only thing written on it is lunar eclips. It will be the point that moon creatures like us loses almost all our strenght and we won't be much diffirent then humans on that moment. It would be a good time to attack the wolfkingdom for vampires, which concerns mee deeply. Mom and dad are still out there with our whole nation relaying on them.

 I jumped out of the tree and landed smoothly on the soft grass. "I have to get back." I walked in the direction I came from a few days ago. "Get back to where may I ask?" No not that voice, not now. I turned around and was met by Minho. Why does that leech encounter me on the worse timing possible. "That doesn't concern you leech." I spat back. "Getting feisty I see and well, it does concern me since I know you kidnapped my mate. I know you have him so you better give him back or else...." I laughed, what is he gonna do. "The moon is still up for quite some time so you won't win a fight against me mosquito."

He seems to realize im right, the moon makes me stronger and not him. "You still better give my mate back you mutt." I scoffed and started to walk away. "He came on his own so if you want him back, just mind link him dumbass." He started to follow me with every step I took in the forest. "Are you lost or something or are you just a dumb bat that loves to annoy people?" He wanted to say something, but closed his mouth in the proces After some time his lips decided to magically unfreeze so I would have to hear his annoying voice again.

"What do you mean with that Jisung left me on purpose?" Yep confirmed, he is kinda dumb. "I never said he left you, maybe he left the vampire kingdom after he realized that what you all are doing is wrong. Very wrong. So go stop bothering me and find someone else to annoy with your company cuz you are not the brightest among us." I started to walk again and he still followed me. "Okay, enough is enough." And with that I placed the map on the ground and threw him hard against the tree. I shifted, grabbed the map up and ran back through the forest. After I was sure he didn't follow me, I walked back to the territory. I was finaly close to the village, finaly close to my home. 

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