~Chapter 28 stain ~

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~Seungmin's pov.~

I went on a run with Heeso this morning. We only have to complete the last step before we are finaly true mates, but I have to wait another week before my heat will hit me. We took a small break at the gorgious lake in the forest before I heard my sister call out for help. "What's wrong Minnie?" Heeso asked me. "It's Y/n, she asked for help and sounded terribly hurt." She shifted back and I followed her and ran around until the scent of her blood hit my nostrills. What the hell is going on right now?

After some more running we came to a path with a blood covered tree. I shfted back and looked around, there was no one here but Y/n was definatly here not so long ago. The scent was the strongest close to the trees but there was another palce that smelled strongly like her. I digged through some plants and found a blood covered map. I looked with concern written all over my face at Heeso and she gave me the same look. How would this map be so important to her that she would protect it with her life.

We debated for a few second but ended skimming through it and we were both socked with the content it held. It was a whole investigation about vampires, their royal bloodline and their wicked plans. "Heeso take this back to the village, I will look around and try to find Y/n. She can't be far away from here since her rut hit her." She nodded and ran off back to the village while I followed Y/n's fade scent in the hope to find her. If she has her rut, then so does Chan and it will only get worse for both of them if they are not together soon.

It felt like I have walked for ours without any result, until her scent lingered around. I found a house hidden well behind trees and plants. I know it is dumb but I want to walk in there and get her back before she wants to kill herself from the unbearable pain. When I entered the housed, I got tackled down and hovered by a vampire. "You have guts to enter my hideout." He said with an angered undertone in his voice. "I know you have my sister here, give her back before it is too late." He started laughing. "Too late for what?" He spat back. Does he think this is all a joke? "Werewolves ruts and heats get unbearable if they are not together with their mate so if you don't let her go, she will try to kill herself to make the pain go away. Not that you don't mind having blood on your hands of the innocent."

~Minho's pov.~

"What do you mean by that?" I know vampires got a bad name with the time that passed after the rouge war but I never killed, especially the innocent. "You almost killed her before and does the king and queen of the mere kingdom rings a bell?"  I only injured them right? "I give them a small warning with a small injury, but never killed nor almost killed. I only carry out the orders my father gives me. Nothing else. How can I kill people with a small cut, explain that to me omega." I spat back. How can he say things like I'm a murderer when I never killed. "Your claws have a special poison withing them since you were born under a blood moon. It's rare for such a vampire to be born, same goes with our moon alpha who was born under a super moon. So whatever your father tells you to do, he knows what he is doing with your hands getting bloody." He answered back. "It's because of your mate that they are still alive since your vampire poison can only be cured by your blood."

His words made me think twice. Does my father use me for the poison? Am I only a pawn for killing in his eyes? Why would he do such wicked things and use me to keep his hands clean? I let the omega go and just sat on the ground, thinking about all the things I have done. "Take her and never come back." I just need to be alone right now. I don't know what to do and how I can make things beter. I screwed up so much. This is why my own mate left me and walked to the good side. "I wish I could take her with me Minho but I can't. I'm an unmated omega and she is an unmated alpha in rut, what do you think will happen." He said with a soft tone. "I can't help you either, they don't want me there. My own mate left me and is there where you want me to take her. I just can't, Im sorry." A tear slowly rolled down my cheek, followed by another one.

"Maybe you can't undo the harm from the past but you can change your future, is what a wise person said to me when we were younger." He is right tho. "Okay I will help but I won't enter the house until you give me a signal that it is safe cuz I don't want to loose my head." I offered. "Deal." And with that i carried the girl on my back through the woods with the omega infront of me leading the way.  

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