~Chapter 17 intruder~

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~Y/n's pov.~

I have to admit, Chan's idea to go on a run and swim was exactly what I needed. I have trapped the real me for to long and it's time to let everything out finaly. On the way back after we decided it was getting late, I picked up a scent that I never had smelled before. It smelled like cherries but also as peonies. Curiousity got the best of me and I decided to dash off in the direction of the scent. It led me to the portal we went through to get to the wolfkingdom. I noticed there was a small camp built up and a young boy was standing in the middle, looking at me as if he had seen a ghost. 

It was a fight or flight situation, I decided to fight and he decided to flight. I caught him pretty fast and hovered over him. A groan came out of his mouth from the inpact of meeting the floor and I could see his fangs. A vampire on wolf territory, does he have a death wish? Chan arrived not long after and looked jealous? I will figure that our later. "Please don't kill me, I fled from the vampire camp. As long if you have me around, they won't attack. Just please accept me as your prisoner and spare my life." So he is an important vampire, but still so weak? He doesn't look like someone that would hurt an innocent soul.

Chan probably won't really like it but I decided to sit next to the poor boy. I already scared him enough, I think. I nudged him to climb on my back and I started to head to the village. A growl was heard behind us and I felt that the poor soul grabbed my fur thighter out of fear. I turned around, facing Chan and gave a loudeer growl back. He laid down and he howled softly at me. I turned back around and started to walk further. "So you must be the alpha here. I though you were both alpha's so why does he listen so easily to you?" I let out some soft growls in the hope he would figure out what I was saying. Maybe he gets it, maybe he don't. "My name is Jisung by the way, Han Jisung." He began, nice now we know his name. "My mate is the vampire prince, Minho. Maybe you have heard of him, maybe not. But that will be the main reason that they won't attack as long as you have me around"

After some good one sided conversations we reached the villaged and we got some wary looks from the other wolves. I mean I get that they don't really like the idea of a vampire on their territory, but they can't do anything as long as I'm alive. Once we were in the house, I dropped Jisung off on and he introduced himself to the others while me and Chan changed back. I limped back to the sofa so aunty can attend my wound again since it got wet from the nice swim.

"Where did you get that wound?" Jisung asked with a worried undertone as soon as my aunt lifted the bandage, like he could smell it belong to someone he knew. "From your oh so lovely mate." I spat back. It started to hurt kinda bad. It was definitly not wolvesbane that that damned vampire used. "Sorry, came out a little bolder then I intended." I apologized, like he can't really do anything about the fact that his made did it. "Don't use any herbs on it yet, it will only make it worse since the wound  came in contact with water. Let me help to treat it cuz Minho definitly used his hunting trick to hunt down werewolves. Even the strongest will become weak after they had been 'marked' by him." He ran through the cabinets of the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and a knife before coming back.

"Do you guys have a blood alpha or a moon alpha by any change here? I know they are rare but the more we have here, the better and faster it will heal." He asked. What in the name of the holy lord is he planning to do? "I'm a blood alpha along with here brother and the girl you're looking at is a moon alpha and the future queen of the wolfkingdom." Chan said before I got the chance to say anything. Eventually everyone gathered in the livingroom, I guess my phermones speard around from the pain my leg gives me. If I see that Minho guy again, I will knock him down on the ground but keep him alive for Jisung.

Once the bowl was on the table, Jisung looked with a slight feary look at the knife before he took it and made a big cut on his hand. He let his crimson blood trickle down his hand in the bowl. Chan whiped the knife clean and did the same, followed by my eldest brother like they knew what he was planning. It was like they have seen it before and are just simply repeating the ritual again. Even Chan his father joined in. I don't know why but the pain only starten to get worse and worse with any second that passed.

It hurted so much that I couldn't help to spit out the blood that had been creeping up for the last seconds. What the hell is going on and why do I feel so weak. I am a moon alpha for god sake. I haven't felt this weak since I killed those vampires eight years ago. Is this connected to back then. I have red a lot of books about vampire poisoning but it was never discribed that it would react like this. Or is it because I'm a moon alpha and I react diffirent to it?

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