~Chapter 21 Panic~

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~Chan's pov.~

I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. I have been crying out of pain and frustration, my mate has been unconsious for two whole months. I don't have any idea what really happened to her and I think no one among us do. After I gulped a whole glass of water, I filled the next one and then another one until I couldn't drink anything anymore. I made a quick stop for a small bathroom break and went back to her after I washed my hands. I flicked the light on since I couldn't sleep only to witness my biggest nightmare to come true. She wasn't in my bed anymore and the window was wide open.

I yelled for everyone in the house while tears dropped down my face. Everyone bursted in the room not much later except for Felix and Heeso which was understandable. "She is gone. I I just went to drink something and then she wasn't here anymore." Now tears were pouring down my face but I couldn't help it. Miss Park decided to stay back at the house while we all started to search for her. We have been searching for so long without any succes that I almost wanted to give up. She can't be gone right? I can still feel that she is out here somewhere. Is this what Felix also felt after he thought he lost Changbin? "Don't worry, we will find her." Those words calmed me slightly down but not completely.

I started to focus on the surroundings around me in the hope I could find a trace somehwere. Her scent has led us earlier to a flower field full with roses and it was circled with red fruit trees and bushes, which didn't help us at all. I stopped thinking about everything and focused on the wind that was blowing through the trees and flowers, on the moon that shone brighter now that a few clouds have flown away. I calmed myself down and shifted in my wolf form and walked in the direction that got my attention the most.

After a long walk I came to a stop when I saw a cliff in the distance. Did I folllow the wrong path? It must have been the wrong path right? She can't be here, there is nothing here at all. I shifted back and wore my clothes from earlier again. I sat on the ground, confused about all this. The rest was a few steps behing me until Jisung walked to the edge of the cliff. "Guys this is here bracelet isn't it?" I heard him yell from the distance. We all ran up to him and it was indeed her bracelet, togther with some of her other stuff. Where the hell could she be right now?

~Felix's pov.~

After a few hours of sleep, I couldn't sleep anymore. Something felt off and wrong. I got up and drank some water in the hope my gut feeling would settle down. There was nothing wrong with the babies in my belly so what could it be? After I drank some water, I found miss Park in the living room with worry speard all around her face. "Something is very wrong isn't there?" I asked her, catching her off guard. "Y/n dissapeared, we don't know where she is and where she could be. The others started a search party, leaving me, you and Heeso here." She began. How could she just dissapear out of nowhere. She has been unconsious for two whole months.

"Don't worry about her Felix, I'm sure everything is gonna be alright. If she doesn't want anyone to find her, then no one will. Not even Chan will be able to do that." She tells me not to worry but how can I ignore that after she just said that. "Y/n always have been special in this cases. She always knows where to be in the right place, so if she really just dissapeared then it must mean that she must be somewhere. It's like someone must be calling her for help. Someone might really need her the most, more then we do at this moment. I know it sounds weird, but no one here has ever had any experience with a moon alpha. Being an alpha in general can be complicated so what would you think a moon alpha will be. They basically carry the burden of the wolf kingdom on their shoulders without even asking for it."

After a good chat with miss Park, I got an better understanding about alpha's and their ranks. We also had chitchats about other random subjects, which was kinda fun. We moved to the kitchen so we can easier grab something to drink once in a while, we also sat there nicely until I felt a lot of movement in my stomach. I held it with both my hands in the hope that the babies would calm down. ~"Binnie did you found her?"~ The babies wouldn't really calm down and I didn't really know what to do. Miss Park noticed and took me upstairs and helped me down on the bed.

~"We haven't found her yet, only some things that belonged to her. Is there something wrong? You want me to come? I will run back through this whole forest if you need me by your side."~ I could hear him say through his mindlink. I still don't know what to do. He alreay has his sister on his mind so will it be a good idea to worry him with me. It will probably be nothing right? The babies are just playing with eacht other, it's the only logical thing I can think of. "Umm Felix, I think you're not so far away from giving birth. Normaly you would carry nine months, but considering that you are a prime omega and Changbin is a blood alpha it's most likely that you would carry as long as a normal wolf does." She said while I was freaking out slightly.

 Thats why I was craving for Changbin . "How long does a normal wolf carry then?" I asked her but I already knew the answer. "They normaly carry around two months." And that's when the first real contraction hit.

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