~Chapter 27 trees~

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~Chan's pov.~

It has been weeks since someone last heard from Y/n. Of course they were all slightly worried like I was, but something is not quite right. I have this gut feeling that there is something that is gonna hit one of us, but I can't figure it out yet. After breakfast was done, I sat down. "It smells so good~. What's wrong hyung? you look like you are about to give birth" Felix chimmed in after he entered the kitchen. "I never thought that making breakfast would drain me from my energy." I answered back. "Maybe you should lay down Chan." Changbin suggested while giving his mate a back hug. "Yeah, I really can use that. Can one of you help me up? My legs feel like jelly." Changbin and Felix both helped me up, only for me to fall down again. My hand clutched my stomach out of pain. Where is this coming from all of the sudden?

~Changbin's pov.~

I woke up due to the sun shining through the curtains. I patted the place next to me on the bed but felt no one. "Felix? Honey you here?" No answer. He must be down stairs looking for food. Ever since I got him pregnant, he ate for two. Even after giving bitrh he continued to eat a lot. The little ones grew so much the last month, sad that Y/n haven't seen them yet. I bet that she would pick the two littles up and never give them back to me out of cuteness. She has a big soft spot for cute things ad beings.

I walked down stairs and heard Lixie talk to Chan in the kitchen so I joined them. When I entered, I saw Chan sitting on the floor looking very pale. This is not good. We helped him up but he fell down and clutched his stomach indicating where he was hurt. He looks like he will pass out any minute. "Chan when was the last time you had your rut?" I asked. He looked like me when my rut hit me after I heard that Felix was pregnant. "A m-month ago". Now it all makes sense. "Lix, get miss Park now and I will see you upstairs." He walked away and I pulled Chan on my back and carried him upstairs. I hope Y/n will return soon cuz if Chan has his rut, she must also have it since the ruts and heats of mates always comes at the same time.

~Minho's pov.~

After she said those harsh words, I couldn't help but get angry at her. I walked up to her only to get thrown against a tree. As my back collides with the tree, it knocked all the air out of my lungs. The last thing I saw was her picking up a map and walking away like nothing had happened before I passed out. I woke up from the sun shining on my face. "It must have been a hour of two that I was knocked out." If I'm fast, I can still find her in the forest. I dashed off in the direction I saw her walking and found her after some time. She looked like she was in a lot of pain before she passed out.

If I take her home, father will use her for his own benefits but I can't leave her here right. It's not something Sungie will do. He always had a good heart and I tried to change it but I never really could do it. My fater always made me look like a ruthless villain in peoples eyes. If I dared to go against him he will kill my loved ones and make me wacht while not being able to save them. I carefully walked up to her and picked her up and carried her to my safe hideout. My gateway for when I didn't want to deal with people.

After some time walking, I finaly reached it and placed her softly on the bed. She is actually pretty cute when she doesn't throw you around in the air. I grabbed some food and something to drink that wolves like, I hope. I made sure to lock the door so she couldn't escape. My window were made of bullet proof glass so she won't be able to break it and escape. I need answers on my questions about what she said to me earlier. I need to know what happened to Jisung and I need to know her tale about this matter.

~Y/n's pov.~

I was close to the village, I can smell Chan. Wait, I'm not supposed to smell him from this distance. That's when the first wave of pain hit me in my stomach. I fell down on the ground as the second wave hit me. Nice this, if I don't get back to the village in time that damned mosquito will catch up to me. I tried to crawl forward with not much succes. ~"H-hyung, h-help me. H-hurts a f-fucking lot. I'm c-close to the v-village."~ I hope he hears it cuz I don't know for how long I can fight against it. 

Why does ruts and heats intensify after you meet your mate. If it wouldn't be so bad I would have made it back. I cut my hand with a sharp stone I saw and let some of the droplets fall on the map, marking it with my scent. I then quickly hid it under the plants next to me and dragged my body to the nearest tree I could find before I passed out. I know that that leech will find me soon but I hope my brother at least finds that map.

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