~Chapter 19 search~

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~Chan's pov.~

When we were halfway, Y/n passed out. She looked so pale with blood droplets scatered around on her chin. Were facial expression was everything except calm. It looked like she was having a nightmare. I felt happy, then I felt fear. It was followed by anger and sadness. Were these my emotions or were these hers. If these are hers, then what is she going through right now. I felt pained and wished I would be sucked up in the ground by any second that passes.

~Y/n's pov.~

I heard a loud ring inside my head that started to get less loud by any second that ticked away on the clock. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be met with bright light. I couldn't make out the figures that were around me. I felt so weak and didn't know what to do with it. The pain was not only in my leg at the moment, but it was spread everywhere through my entire body. It didn't take long before I saw black pixels appear in my eye sight until I couldn't see anything anymore.

I woke up in a bed that was familliar to me. I looked around and took mental notes of my surroundings, only to realise im back at my aunts house. I shot up out of the bed and my head started to spin. When it finaly subsided, i looked in the mirror only to see my ten year old self. How is it possible? How can I be back here when I just sat on the sofa. I decided to sneak around to find some of the answers I needed the most right now.

It all was like I was having a big deja vu. I met little Heeso and we started to play in her room. After a while I heard doors open and close, wanting to know the source of it. Heeso held me back and told me it was better to not search for the source. She axplained that the lady here is a with that helps poor creatures in need. "She must have find someone new to treat." was what she said. I was debating if I should run out of the room to find the source or not but I'm more curious to the new people and wanted to help. I ran out of the room and blocked it with a chair so Heeso couldn't grab me.

I ran around to search for the witch lady and eventually found her. I was scared that she would be angry at me but she was the total opposite of what I had imagined. "You must be a strong wolf to be awake right now." I was indeed a strong ten year old. "Mom always said that moon alpha's are the strongest wolves that exists" I aswered back happy. "You want to help me heal these two then? A lovely werewolf I know asked me for help." She looked with sad eyes at me. "I wanna help, what can I do."

Not long after their wounds were treated. "They will live right? They have to, they shouldn't make their mom and dad sad." Still not knowing who I was talking about, the lady said that I should see them. I did just as she says so but slowly backed down after seeing their faces. They were my brothers. My big brothers who were seriously injured. How could it happen to them. One moment we were all playing and now they were infront of my looking dead except for a faint heartbeat. 

Tears weld up in my eyes and fell down rapidly. I fell down on my knees, not caring that they were beeding again. I was to sad to care about everything except them. Were my parents okay? Dad would never let them get this hurt or did dad die while fighting. I didn't know anything and I hated it. I slowly backed up, not being able to look at the scene in front of me any longer. The lady understood me and lifted me up and carried me to the room I woke up in. She hugged me and comforted me. I cried myself to sleep that day, drained from energy.

Time flew by and I started to get more and more comfortable here. Me and Heeso became good friends adn loved to play with the toys she had in her room. It didn't take long before we started the share her room and the guestroom became the guestroom again. eventually almost three months have passed at this moment. Aunty came in and told me she had a present for my. It was a pretty silver necklace. She put it on my neck and saw the pretty tree it has on it. "Isn't this from my mom?" I asked, knowing my mom had the same necklace. "When your mom asked me to safe your brothers, she gave me this to give it to you. She said that you should not forget who you are and who you will be". 

"Room, guestroom. I heard a sound in there." I looked with a slight hint of fear in my eyes at her. She rushed out to see what it was and I followed, wanting to know what it was. I pulled the door so it was ajar and I still could peek through it without being seen. Changbin hyungie woke up. I was happy that he was alive, but he still didn't look that good. Aunt treated the wounds so they would heal faster and explained everything that hapened. A few hours later I saw that Seungmin hyungie also woke up, he was the same like Changbin hyungie.

I ran to aunt and tugged on her clothes to get her attention and dragged her to the room where my hyungies were. Seungmin also got a quick explanation about what happened ."What about our little sister Y/n miss Park" I could hear Changbin ask. I could see a slight spark of hope but their eyes were overall filled with sadness. "Don't worry about her my children, she is in a safe place." Aunt answered his question. Their sad eyes started to get watery, like they were about to cry. 

"When I walked through the forest, feeling someone needed my help, I found some dead bodies. A few were vampires but the others belonged to a knight and a maid. It must have been a hard battle, I thought to myself back then. I got pulled out of my trance by a small sniffle, well I thought it was. That was the moment I locked eyes with....."  I didn't let aunt finish her sentance and bardeged in the room, not wanting them to be sad any longer. Not long after, everything started to become black and I passed out again.......

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