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Lost in thought, Eunah sits on the rooftop of one of the university's buildings with her notebook and pencil case in front.
She shouldn't really be continuing her work on the poem, it's probably going to make everything worse, but for the time being it's a good distraction.

Mark tried to speak to her this morning.
He said he'd heard what happened and will be there for her if she needs him.

She ignored him and went on her way.

Anyone who asks how she's doing only gets a small 'I'm okay' and the best smile she can muster. It's not believable in the slightest, but it serves its purpose.
She finds herself looking for Renjun, though. Whether it's out of habit or desperation to set things right, she keeps trying to look for him when passing places he's usually found.

So focused, she doesn't hear the heavy door creaking open, or the soft movement of someone sitting beside her until they speak up.

"Hey, there."

Eunah jolts, hand flying to her chest as she turns to face the newcomer. It's Heesun's friend, who's snickering.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"It's okay," the Angel breathes, returning to her work.

"Why're you up here? Your friends are downstairs."

Unsure about the woman's sudden interest, Eunah shrugs.
"Not feeling good. They understand."

"You know Heesun, right?"

"Yeah, she's really sweet."

"Told me all about you."

"Oh, really?" she mutters, realising that she won't get much work done while conversing.

"Nothing bad."

"That's okay, then."

The half-Siren holds her hand out, which Eunah gingerly shakes.
"Yang Taeri."

"Nice to meet you, Taeri."
She pauses for a moment, wondering how to continue instead of being rude and letting the conversation fizzle out.

The hesitation must be visible on her face, as Taeri offers a small smile and shakes her head.

"You don't have to say much. As long as you're cool with me being here, all's good."


"No problem."

The two sit in silence for a moment, enjoying the fresh breeze and warm sun. Taeri grabs a sharing bag of crisps from her backpack, opening them and offering some to Eunah.
Luckily, it's a flavour she likes, so she nods in thanks and takes a couple.

"You sure you don't want more?" the taller woman asks, shaking the bag a little.

"I... I guess I haven't eaten a lot today..."

"C'mon, let's get you fed."
She rummages around in her backpack for an empty tub, which likely used to contain part of her lunch.
"It only had a couple wrapped chocolate bars in it, so it should be clean."

A large pile of crisps is poured into it, being handed to Eunah who seems grateful but baffled all the same. Taeri laughs at this, grabbing a handful of the crisps herself.

"You know, I've never seen someone so confused by free food," she comments, before popping one in her mouth.

"I just– I guess I wasn't expecting it," the Angel replies, carefully eating some of hers.

"I know I don't have the best reputation, but c'mon."

"That's not– I didn't mean it like that..."

"I'm only messing with you. You eat your fill. Can't think properly on an empty stomach."

A sense of peace washes over Eunah while she eats, accompanied by the warming of her heart at Taeri's kindness. When Donghyuck described her the other day, she thought the worst. But now, she realises that was stupid and is incredibly thankful for the help.

Maybe it's done her some good to be away from her friends for a little while.
She does care for them, don't get her wrong, but being with them right now just reminds her of everything that went wrong.

The Angel puts her book and pencil case away, closing her eyes and leaning back on her hands with a soft exhale. Beside her, Taeri watches with barely-disguised concern.

It's not hard to figure out roughly what happened.
Eunah's friendship with the residents of Hell has been the on-off topic of conversation for a while now.
So for her and the one she seemed closest with to be apart and upset, it's easy to see that they had an argument.

Taeri would never pry, though. She hates other people being in her business, so why would she be in others'?
Playing with the necklace she always wears, the half-Siren looks out over the campus and continues to eat.


She turns towards Eunah, who is fiddling with the pink and white bracelets dangling loosely around her wrist.


"I know we only just met, but– I was wondering if you could give me some advice..."

"Sure. What's up?"

"I messed up..." the Angel mutters.
"I messed up really badly, and now– now Renjun thinks I betrayed everyone..."

"Renjun... your boyfriend, right?"

Her cheeks flush pink, eyes widening for a moment before she glances away.
"N- No, I– I wish, but– no... He's the blond one, kinda grumpy a lot of the time."

"I know who you mean. And you wanna fix your relationship?"

"I at least want to try... I know we should talk, but– I'm scared..."

Gaze softening, Taeri puts the crisps away to focus on her.
"What're you scared of, hon?"

"Losing him for good... losing my friends, my wings, risking his life for– for nothing, all because I was too late."

She sighs, placing a hand on the Angel's shoulder.
"I don't know exactly what happened, but– all this sounds like a mistake that blew out of proportion. I'm sure it's not completely your fault, else wouldn't your other friends be just as upset?"


"Wait a little longer for him to calm down, then see if he's willing to talk in private. You guys seemed close when Heesun and I saw you around, so I doubt he'd say no."

"I'll try... thanks, Taeri."



Taeri to the rescue. Nothing some snacks and solid advice can't fix.

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