Spies 🕶️

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*Poppy hides in a bush and watches Floyd talk to Destiny*

Branch: What are you doing?

Poppy: Watching your brother! 😁

Branch: What?! 😨

Poppy: Shhhhh! 🤫

Floyd: Hey Destiny, um...there's something I wanna ask you.

Destiny: What's up, Flo?

Poppy: *gasps* He's gonna do it!

Branch: Do what?

Poppy: He's gonna pop the question!

Branch: ...Move over! *hides next to Poppy and takes out binoculars* 🤨

Floyd: So...um...I was thinking...since we've been together for a while...

Destiny: Yeah?

Poppy: Ooooooh! 🤭

Floyd: I was wondering...maybe you'd like to perform with me and my brothers at our next concert?

Destiny: Really?!

Floyd: Yeah...if you want, that is.

Destiny: You know what, Flo? Count me in!

Poppy: 😨

Branch: Well, that was a waste of time 😒

Poppy: Hold up!

Destiny: When's the next concert?

Floyd: Two weeks from now.

Destiny: Perfect! *she gives him a hug*

*Floyd starts to blush and they both smile at each other before leaning in for a kiss* 😘

Poppy: Worth it! 😌

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