Bro Things 🧍🧍‍♂️

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itsCLAYYYYYYYYY I'm sorry, man, but you're crazy idea made me do this! 😅

Branch: Okay...bunker's organized, Gary's in bed, now I can-

Floyd: Branch! Branch, help!!! *hides behind him* 😣

Branch: What in the-don't I ever get any me time?! 

Floyd: You have 4 brothers, I don't think that's a possibility...! 😰

Branch: ...What is it, Floyd? 😑

Clay: Floyd, come back here! I need to make sure you look like a man!!!! *has a curling iron* 😈

Branch: ...Why's he like that? 🤨

Floyd: I have a date with Destiny tonight an-

Branch: 🤭

Floyd: What's so funny?

Branch: Sorry, it's's a literal pun, you literally do have a date with destiny!

Floyd: Not funny! 😠

Branch: Okay, okay, sheesh! 🙄

Floyd: We're supposed to go to the beach today and grab a bite, but Clay heard about it and-

Clay: GOTCHA!!!! *tackles Floyd from behind* Now you'll look so good that she won't even recognize you!!!! 😈

Floyd: Clay, Clay, get offa me!!! You know I don't like this! 😩

Clay: That's what makes it so enjoyable! 😈

Branch: 🫢

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