Secret Fanfics 🤫

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Me: *types rapidly on Wattpad* 

I'm a fast typer 😉

Branch: Oh come on, you're at it again?!

Me: 😐

Branch: Are you gonna be our wedding planner now?!

Me: ...You didn't even bother to ask me what I was writing about, you doofus. 😑

Branch: Fine, what are you writing about?

Me: See for yourself, Bitty B! *shows cover* 😊

Me: See for yourself, Bitty B! *shows cover* 😊

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Branch: 😑

Me: Relax, it's a story about another Troll tribe, the Disco Trolls!

Branch: Since when were there disco Trolls?!

Me: Since I started writing this! 😁

Branch: You don't stop, do you? 😒

Me: Nope! I'm a well-oiled printer! 

Branch: ...Lemme guess, you still do what you fans call..."shipping" *quote fingers*

Me: Sure am...but I'm having the story focus more on Viva...🙂

Viva: Gimme that!!! I gotta read it! 😠

Me: *pushes her back with no effort* The problem is, she won't stop bugging me about it. 😒

Viva: Come on, you always beat me up whenever I sing Taylor Swift, you could at least let me read this! 😫

Me: It's not done yet!!!!

Viva: 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

Me: Some people are just too desperate 🙄

Branch: *grits teeth* You don't say...! 😡

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