Strong 💪

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This one's not going to have a lot of humor, but this is for you BookwormtoWriter

*Poppy wakes up to the sound of crying and sees her older sister outside in tears*

Poppy: Viva...? 🥺

Viva: *gasps* O-Oh... 😢😢😢😢

Poppy: What's wrong?

Viva: I...😖😖😖

Poppy: You what? 🥺

Viva: ...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Poppy: Viva...*gives her a hug and a kiss* 💕

Viva: I...I'm sorry, Poppy, it's just...people can be so cruel...maybe...maybe I shouldn't have left home to begin with... 😔

Poppy: *gasps* No! Don't say that! You're back home with me and my family because you were brave to come out of your bunker! 😠

Viva: But...everyone here's giving me looks and saying that I abandoned you and Dad...! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Poppy: But you didn't, you were left behind by accident! I know that, Dad knows that, Clay knows that! We all do! If you really did abandon us, you wouldn't be back home with us! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Viva: R-Really...?

Poppy: Look...I know you didn't get to see me grow up or accomplish what I did, but you stayed in your refuge because you were scared, not because you were heartless. And...hearing how you were able to save the remaining Trolls years just reminds me of how strong you are.

Viva: Really...?

Poppy: Really're strong, Vivi! Like me! *picks up a boulder with no effort* 😊

Viva: 😐

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