Broppy Cuddles 🩷💙

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*Poppy and Branch both lay in bed close to each other, Branch's arm around Poppy's shoulders* 🩷💙🩷💙

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: Yeah?

Poppy: You ever wonder how things would've turned out if I hadn't met you?

Branch: ...No...but I hate to think about it. 😔

Poppy: What do you mean?

Branch: Um...honestly, if we didn't know each wouldn't be here today 🥺

Poppy: *gasps* What...? 🫢

Branch: Well...I don't wanna get too deep...but there wouldn't have been anyone to save you in the forest when you went to Bergen Town by yourself. 😢

*Poppy thinks for a moment before hugging Branch tightly*

Poppy: Oh Branch...🥺

Branch: I'm sorry, Poppy, I shouldn't have said anything.

Poppy: No...I feel like one of the luckiest Trolls alive to have someone like you. 🥹

Branch: Wait, you mean it? 😯

Poppy: With all of my heart *kisses him on the cheek* 😙

Branch: ...You know what, Poppy? I feel the same way. 😊

*they both smile and hug again, this time sharing a tender kiss* 🩷💙🩷💙🩷💙🩷💙

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