Goth Girl 🖤

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Viva: Hey Poppy, I-whoa ho ho! What did I just walk into? 😨

*Poppy is seen wearing black clothes and eye shadow, her hair partially dyed black*

Poppy: Hey...😒

Viva: What's with that...goop?

Poppy: Meh...😑

Viva: Are you good?

Poppy: Meh...😑

Viva: What, did you lose the ability to use words?!

Poppy: *yawns* 🥱

Viva: Hello! Earth to Poppy! You're in black! 😫

Poppy: Mhm...*scrolls through her phone* 📱

Viva: Is this some kind of phase?!

Poppy: When you're done blabbering, put me out of my misery...😒

Viva: 🙁

Poppy: *continues scrolling*

Viva: And turn on the light! It's dark! *flips the light switch*

Poppy: *HISSSSSSSS* IT BURNS!!!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

Viva: ...I think that look is messing with your brain 🤨

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