About Time 💙🩷

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Branch: Okay, Branch, you can do this, this is a very important moment for you. 😮‍💨

Poppy: Branch?

Branch: O-Oh! Hey, Poppy! 😅

Poppy: What's wrong? You seem a little jittery today. 🤨

Branch: Um...😥

Poppy: Hey...*holds his hands* Be real with me, I know when something's bugging you, and it seems like you have a lot on your plate. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

Branch: 😥

Poppy: 🙂

Branch: Poppy...?

Poppy: Yes, Branch?

Branch: ...Come with me *gently takes her hand in his* 🤝

Poppy: Huh? 🥺

Branch: I wanna take you somewhere *leads her out of his bunker*

*they walk together until they reach a familiar setting where they usually watch the sunset together* 🌅

Poppy: Branch...we usually come here to watch the sunset, it's 12:30. 🤨

Branch: I know, that's not why we're here. 😉

Poppy: Then what is it?

Branch: *holds her hand and kneels on one knee*

Poppy: *gasps covering her mouth* 😯

Branch: *pulls out a velvet box from his pocket and opens it revealing a flowery ring with an orchid jewel* 💍

Poppy: Oh my goodness...

Branch: Queen Poppy, you're the most beautiful Troll in the world...but that's not all I see in you, I see so much more in you. You're so much braver than I am, you're not afraid of change, you're the reason why the world has changed so much. We're not alone anymore, we've befriended the Bergens, we reunited the Troll Tribes, and we've reconnected with our siblings. If we didn't have someone like you, we would still be isolated and fearing the Bergens...and I would still be hiding in my bunker...not being able to find true love. 💙🩷

Poppy: Oh Branch...*wipes her tears* 🥹

Branch: You're my best friend, my confidante, my soulmate, and I want to spend forever with no one else but you. Will you make me the happiest Troll in the world and marry me? 💙💍

Poppy: Branch...I...I...oh my goodness...! 🥹

Branch: ...Is that a yes?

Poppy: I...I...yes, Branch, yes I'll marry you...! *kisses his nose*

Branch: *smiles taking her hand and gently sliding the ring onto her finger* 💍

Poppy: It's so beautiful, Branch...🥹

Branch: Just like you, my dear *kisses her hand*

Poppy: I can't believe this...I...I love you so much...! 🥹🥹🥹🥹

Branch: I love you too, Queen Poppy 😉

*Poppy and Branch both embrace and share a tender kiss, sealing their love and commitment for each other* 🩷💙🩷💙🩷💙

Me: *snaps a picture* About time 😌

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