Bad Choice 😐

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Branch: I'm here! I'm here...! *sits next to Poppy panting* 😮‍💨

Poppy: About time, doofus! 😁

Branch: Poppy, when you live with 4 brothers, you're gonna be overwhelmed.

Poppy: Pfft! Whatevs. 🙄

Branch: ...Remind me again what we're watching?

Poppy: The opera. 😊

*The show starts and the loud opera singing begins*

Branch: Yikes! *covers his ears*

Poppy: 😁

*but the opera singers are really bad and are either too loud or too pitchy*

Poppy: Isn't this great, Branch? 🤩

Branch: ...*slowly puts a set of headphones on and plays music on his phone* 🎶

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