Birthday Panic 🎉

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Branch: Guys, Poppy's birthday is tomorrow, I completely forgot to get her a gift! 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨

John Dory: No worries, Bitty B! We got the perfect solution! 👍

Branch: You do?

Spruce: Yup! *holds up an antique vase* 🏺

Branch: ...That's Grandma's vase 😐

John Dory: Do you want it or not?!

Branch: I don't think Poppy's gonna like me giving her old things...and I think we should keep that, it's Grandma's

Spruce: It's the thought that counts, Bitty B! 😠

John Dory: At least you'll be giving her something! 😁

Branch: ...You know what, I'll just make her a card 😒

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