Sleepwalker 😴

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Viva: Branch, help...

Branch: What...?! It's 2 in the morning...! 😩

Viva: ...First of all, stop whining if you wanna live 😑

Branch: ...What's that supposed to mean? 🤨

Viva: Doesn't matter, secondly...*points*

Poppy: *sleepwalks around the village with her arms out like a zombie* 😴

Viva: Every time I touch her...*taps her shoulder*

Poppy: I don't wanna go to school, mommy! *snores loudly*

Branch: 😐

Viva: Please help...

Branch: ...*taps Poppy*

Poppy: Brozone got a new album...! *snores* 💤

Branch: ...No we didn't 😑

Poppy: Cuddle puppies explode into cotton candy if you hug them too tightly...! *snores*

Viva: 🤦‍♀️

Branch: ...Okay, now she's just being random. 😒

Viva: Like I said, every time I-

Poppy: I'm Princess Lolly frolicking in Candyland...! *snores* 😴

Branch: 😐

Viva: ...And that, that too...

Branch: What...? 🤨

Viva: She's so random when she sleeps, you never know when-

Poppy: Glitter is really unicorn tears in disguise...! *snores* 💤

Branch: ...Poppy, snap out of it, you're not-

Poppy: Spiders tap dance when we're not looking...! *snores*

Viva: 🤦‍♀️

Branch: ...Remind me again why you didn't wake her sooner? 😑

Viva: *gasps* You should never wake a sleepwalker! In her case, we'd be dead right now! 😠

Branch: 🤨

Viva: Not that I would be upset if you were out of the picture...😒

Branch: What was that?! 😡

Viva: Nothing!

Poppy: The moon is a giant scoop of ice cream waiting to fall down to Earth and satisfy everyone...! *snores loudly* 😴

Branch: Poppy-

Poppy: Turtle shells are their armor when they engage in battle with the goldfish...! *snores*

Viva: 😐

Branch: Time for bed! *drags Poppy back to her pod, her feet dragging in the dirt*

Poppy: I made friends with a leprechaun and annihilated Friday the 13th...the black cats are extinct now...!*snores* 😴

Branch: 🤦

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