Family Secrets 🤫

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King Peppy: Y'know, Poppy, your mother was very full of life, especially after she gave birth to you.

Poppy: Really...? 🥹

King Peppy: And she knew that you were gonna be a bit of trouble compared to your sister. 😉

Poppy: Huh...?! 😳

King Peppy: When she held you in her arms for the first time, she could tell you were going to be rather stubborn. She said that you threw a bit of a fit when found out you weren't an only child. 😁

Poppy: But...😥

King Peppy: Even I could tell you were gonna be a handful, who would've thought that 20 years later, we would all be right?! 😄

Poppy: Vivi...?! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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