Protective Sister 😠

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*Poppy skates around the roller rink but suddenly stumbles and falls into Branch's arms*

Poppy: Whoa...! 🫨

Branch: I gotcha, I okay?

Poppy: Yeah 😊 *hugs Branch*

Viva: Whoa whoa whoa! 🤨

Poppy: What? *looks up at Viva while still hugging Branch*

Viva: What is this? 😑

Poppy: ...A hug? 🤨

Viva: ...*pulls Branch aside*

Branch: Hey! 😟

Poppy: Hey! *falls forward still wearing her roller skates*

Branch: What was that about?!

Viva: That's my sister, Branch! Careful how you are with her, especially when I'm nearby! 😠

Branch: What's...that supposed to mean?

Viva: *demonic voice* I will tear you limb from limb! 👿

Branch: 😰

Viva: Okay, bye! *skips away* 😁

Poppy: What was that about?

Branch: She hates me 😥

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